
Ivy Tech Completes VITA Program for 2016

Muncie, Ind. – Ivy Tech Community College East Central Region recently concluded their 9th annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program for this tax season. Ivy Tech Community College’s VITA program offers free federal and state income tax return preparation and e-filing for students, faculty, staff, and lower income general public taxpayers. VITA program volunteers prepared over 90 tax returns at the Muncie and Anderson campus locations resulting in over $168,000 and $16,000 in federal and state tax refunds respectively. Additionally,…

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Muncie Community Schools Announce Upcoming Ceremonies

By: Ana Pichardo— Adult Education Graduation Ceremomy Thursday, May 12, 2016 beginning at 7pm Muncie Central High School Auditorium Adult learners who have participated in the Muncie Community Schools Adult Education program will be earning HSE Certificates and high school diplomas during the commencement program.  The speeches and stories of these students are always inspiring and interesting. Career & Technical Education Awards Program Thursday, May 19, 2016, beginning at 7:00 PM Muncie Area Career Center Gymnasium MACC students from eleven high…

Dr. Steven Baule Update on Muncie Community Schools Fiscal Situation

By: Dr. Steven Baule, Superintendent of Muncie Community Schools— Dear MCS Stakeholders, I feel it is appropriate to take a few minutes to provide all stakeholders with an update regarding the corporation’s fiscal situation. In some ways, I understand this seems like old news. The Muncie Community Schools have been in a cost containment cycle for the better part of two decades according to many staff members who have worked here throughout that time. However, the key difference is that there is…

Cornerstone to Offer Eight Week Classes This Summer

Muncie, IN—Cornerstone Center for the Arts will offer a series of classes this summer for youth, families and adults in a wide variety of areas. The Summer Eight Week Class Session begins the week of June 6th and continues through July 29th. Cornerstone’s class fees are affordable, one-time payments that cover the full eight weeks of class. Areas of interest include: visual arts, theatre, dance, fitness, and music. Children and families classes include: Early Ballet I & II, Early Ballet…

Local Teachers Awarded Funding for Creative Classroom Projects

Muncie, IN— Local teachers will receive $3,480 in Robert P. Bell Education Grants from The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. More than 750 students will benefit in this final grant cycle of the academic year. Awards of up to $450 are available through the Bell Grants program. Funded projects are innovative ideas or programs designed to stimulate learning in students. Delaware County teachers may apply throughout the year over four grant cycles.  More than $12,500 was awarded during the…

BSU Trustees Accept Campus Master Plan, Move Forward With Presidential Search

MUNCIE, Ind. – The Ball State Board of Trustees today reviewed an updated campus master plan proposal that establishes a long-range, phased framework aligning the university’s strategic, academic and physical plant goals. The proposal, the first of its kind in more than 20 years, emphasizes: an academic experience focused on entrepreneurial learning, in and out of the classroom a vibrant residential community that provides unique educational and engagement opportunities a vision that addresses institutional and state priorities, and is supportive…

Muncie Area Career Center Hosts Annual Spring Fire Training

By: Shawn Rogers for the Muncie Journal— The wind was whipping and the air was crisp. On a beautiful, sunny day in April, the below normal temperatures didn’t keep Koorsen Fire & Security from hosting their Annual Spring Fire Training for the emergency education students at the Muncie Area Career Center.  Koorsen’s fire training program is designed to give students hands on experience with how to handle a fire extinguisher and properly extinguish a fire in the event of an emergency….

Delaware Community Schools to Present “A Taste of Delcom” on April 13th

By: Janelle Davis— The DelCom Educational Foundation will host its fifth annual “A Taste of DelCom” Awards and Recognition Banquet on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at Delta High School in the Auxiliary Gym.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m., tours and the chef’s parade will be 6-6:30 p.m. and dinner is at 7:00 p.m. The foundation will award 22 teacher grants, 11 student scholarships, and honor 4 retired teachers/staff members.  This year’s keynote speaker will be Delta alumnus, Joey Lynch who…

MCS Board of Trustees Approves Muncie Central High School Principal and Chief Information Officer

By: Ana Pichardo— Muncie, IN —Mr. Christopher W. Walker was approved as the Principal of Muncie Central High School during the Special Work Session on March 29, 2016. He will take on his full responsibilities July 1, 2016. Mr. Walker graduated from Shenandoah High School in 1998, he received his Bachelor of Science from Ball State University in Social Studies Education in 2003, and his Masters of Arts in Education Administration from Butler University in 2014. Christopher Walker brings significant urban…

Delta HS Seniors Named Lilly Endowment Community Scholars

The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc., has selected the recipients of the 2016 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarships, an award that grants full tuition to any accredited public or private college or university in Indiana. The Lilly Scholarship also covers fees and provides an annual stipend for required books and equipment. The recipients of the 2016 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship are Nicholas Bantz and Anna Groover, both from Delta High School. They were chosen out of an applicant…