
Academy of Model Aeronautics Hits $1 Million Scholarship Milestone

MUNCIE, IN—The Academy of Model Aeronautics has been helping graduating seniors achieve their dreams since 1970, and is now celebrating its dream of reaching a total of $1 million in awarded scholarships. The AMA is happy to announce that this year’s $48,000 in scholarships awarded to 10 high school graduates from across the nation has helped bring the total of AMA scholarships that have been given to college-bound aeromodelers to $1 million. The scholarships are created through funds donated by…

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Photo Gallery: Special Needs Prom Held at Muncie Central High School

By: Mindy Kemper— Students with Special Needs and their Best Buddies from around Delaware County gathered at Muncie Central High School Saturday night for the Mad Hatter Ball. It was evident that many hours of effort went into the production of the prom event for those in attendance.  The evening, provided purely through donations and many hours of student and volunteer effort, came together as one beautiful magical scene from Alice in Wonderland. The dance was free to students and…

Economic Development Begins With Children

Muncie, IN– The Indiana Summit for Economic Development is hosting a special event on June 7th at the Horizon Convention Center, in Muncie, in collaboration with Early Learning Coalitions. According to the Indiana Early Learning Advisory Committee, by increasing access to high quality early childhood education, Indiana has the opportunity to ensure that children are ready to learn and succeed in school, compete in the global economy, and contribute to thriving communities. John Pepper, former CEO of Proctor & Gamble said,…

MCS Addresses Obama Administration’s “Dear Colleague Letter” on Transgender Students

By: Ana Pichardo— With regard to the Obama Administration’s Dear Colleague letter that was distributed on May 13, 2016, the Muncie Community Schools feels that the core purpose of the letter is to ensure that children are not discriminated against. Attorney General Loretta Lynch stated, “There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind.” MCS thinks that statement should be able to stand on its own. The U.S. Secretary of Education further stated “No student should ever have…

Ivy Tech Community College to Hold Go Ivy Day Events

Muncie, Ind. – Ivy Tech Community College East Central region will be holding a Go Ivy Day event on May 19 at the Muncie Housing Authority – Price Hall.  Prospective students will be able to learn all about Ivy Tech Community College including admissions, financial aid, new student orientation, and career services. Go Ivy Day Muncie Housing Authority – Price Hall May 19 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 704 South Madison Street Muncie, IN 47302 Appointments are required and can…

Ball State University’s School of Music Hosts First Sursa American Organ Competition

By: Ball State University Divison of Strategic Communications– MUNCIE, Indiana — Raúl Prieto Ramírez believes not enough people know about Ball State’s organ major. Or that Ball State’s Sursa Performance Hall is home to one of Indiana’s only concert hall organs, which this year celebrates its 10th year gracing the stage of the 600-seat venue. That’s why the instructor and internationally acclaimed concert organist has worked tirelessly in recent months planning the School of Music’s first Sursa American Organ Competition….

Ivy Tech Community College East Central Region Will Graduate 1,166 Students at Commencement

Muncie, Ind. – Ivy Tech Community College East Central region will see 1,166 students graduate at its 48th graduation ceremony at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 12 at Emens Auditorium in Muncie. The Honorary Associate of Science in College and Community Service Degree will be awarded to Ms. Bobbette Snyder and Mr. James Warner. Snyder has been a tireless force in her hometown of Anderson, and also assists her husband, Tom, president of Ivy Tech Community College, with contributions to philanthropic organizations,…

Steve Spradlin Selected for 2016 ‘Excellence in Teaching Award’

MUNCIE—In conjunction with National Teacher Appreciation Week, Ball Brothers Foundation (BBF) is pleased to announce that Steve Spradlin, a science and math teacher at Muncie Community Schools’ Northside Middle School was selected as BBF’s 2016 Excellence in Teaching Award winner. The honor includes a $15,000 grant. Finalists for the award were Lisa Eckerty, a first grade teacher at Muncie Community School’s Mitchell Elementary, and Tammy Underwood, a sixth grade English/language arts teacher at Cowan Elementary School. Each of the finalists…

Community Foundation Announces Scholarship Winners

2016 Michele Barnhart Hires Scholarship Recipient Announced The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. has announced Kaitlyn Ewing as the recipient of the 2016 Michele Barnhart Hires Scholarship. This scholarship honors Michele Barnhart Hires, a 1966 graduate of Daleville High School. A popular fun-loving student, Michele was active in theatre and choir. Although she finished high school as a “C” student, she was determined to earn a college degree. Michele did just that. She earned a degree in…

Bosma Appoints Members to ISTEP Review Panel

STATEHOUSE  – House Speaker Brian C. Bosma (R-­Indianapolis) today announced his appointments to a new panel charged with recommending a replacement for the ISTEP test. Under a new law, the state’s troubled ISTEP test will be phased out by July 1, 2017, and a 23­ member panel, a majority of whom are educators, will recommend a new, standardized test. “The ISTEP test is a seriously damaged brand and has become an ongoing source of frustration among our students, educators and…