
MCHS Principal Tom Jarvis –This Week in Delaware County

By: Steve Lindell— This Week in Delaware County is a radio program produced and hosted by Steve Lindell, Vice President / Station Manager for Woof Boom Radio.  It is a public affairs program, with interview topics that range from healthier living, community events, government officials, and topics that generally do not receive as much publicity as they deserve.  In short, this an audio version of The audio below is an excerpt from This Week in Delaware County. Below you’ll hear Tom Jarvis,…

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MCS Superintendent Dr. Steve Baule Gives State of the Schools Report

By: The Woof Boom Radio News Team— The Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce held a luncheon event today at the Horizon Convention Center. Dr. Steve Baule, Superintendent of the Muncie Community Schools gave his “State of the Muncie Community Schools” report. Dr. Baule gave an overview of the MCS system, positive stories about MCS and he highlighted some of the challenges the school system faces. He also reviewed the upcoming strategic planning initiative MCS will spend much of the next year developing. Community members…

Historic Beech Grove Cemetery Tour Offered on October 10th

By: Denise King— The Old West End Neighborhood Association’s Historic Cemetery Tour at Beech Grove Cemetery will take place from 3:30-7:30pm on October 10th.   You can learn more about the history of Beech Grove Cemetery, and hear about interesting residents from Muncie’s past. Each year, the tour features different historical figures and a new route. Local historians, will take you on a walking tour of the Old Section/Circle of the cemetery. Visitors may view historic artifacts from Minnetrista’s Special Collections in the Chapel…

Fall Break at Camp Minnetrista and Family Adventure Day

By: Sam Condon— Treat Your Family to a Fun and Creative Fall Break! Add fun and creativity to your family’s fall break with Camp Minnetrista and Family Adventure Day! This fall break brings a full week of activities, including two 2-day camp options and a FREE community day at Minnetrista. Fall Break Camp Minnetrista Session 1: Machines & People–October 12–13 This fall break, treat your child to a camp full of fun and education. Campers will learn about simple machines…

MCS Students Selected to Participate in Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy

By: Ana Pichardo— Twenty-seven (27) Muncie Central High School students have been selected to participate in the CHICK-FIL-A LEADERSHIP ACADEMY. The leadership academy is a nationally recognized high school program focused on impact through action. Students will learn leadership skills and then put them into action at the end of the program in the form of an “Impact Project”. The leadership academy allows students to take complete ownership over all aspects of their Impact Projects and then involve other students in their school to impact thousands…

Ball State’s New Indiana Communities Institute to Focus on Improving Quality of Life

By: Ball State University Division of Strategic Communications— Ball State University is taking the lead in a new statewide economic development effort that will focus on primacy of place — improving the quality of life in communities in order to attract and retain talented workers sought by today’s businesses. The Indiana Communities Institute brings together many of Ball State’s top research and outreach activities to assist Indiana communities as they strive to improve life experiences for residents, businesses and visitors….

Al Rent Returns ‘Home’ to Ball State’s Public Broadcasting

By: Ball State University Division of Strategic Communications— Al Rent, a fixture in local broadcasting for several decades, has been named executive director and general manager for public broadcasting operations at Ball State University. Rent, who until recently was Ball State’s director of relationship marketing and community relations, will oversee WIPB-TV, which serves about 664,000 households in a 30-county region in Indiana and western Ohio, and Indiana Public Radio (IPR), which serves 22 Indiana counties and part of Ohio. Dan…

BY5 Early Childhood Initiative Adds New Program to Serve Pregnant Mothers

By: Thomas Kinghorn and Carrie Bale— BY5 Early Childhood Initiative (pronounced by five) is working to transform the community by connecting Kindergarten readiness to economic success. A community wide strategic plan has been developed with the involvement of over 80 community members. The comprehensive strategic plan focuses on 5 overarching goals to ensure the future success of our community so that young children have a strong foundation for life. Those 5 goals are: 1) The role of BY5 as a conveyor,…

‘The Greatest Show on Turf’ Blends New Fun With Traditional Homecoming Favorites

By: Michelle Johnson— This year’s Homecoming festivities at Ball State University will include new entertainment in the Homecoming Village and family-friendly tailgating in addition to traditional favorites such as Air Jam, bed race and the football game. With the theme “The Greatest Show on Turf,” this year’s week of events begins Sept. 28 with Homecoming Village and culminates Oct. 3 when the Ball State Cardinals take on the Toledo Rockets at 3 p.m. in Scheumann Stadium. “Homecoming is a great…

TechWise Academy Offers Computer Code Reading and Writing Course for Kids

By: Lorri Markum— TechWise Academy, a new technology code reading and writing academy, will launch its first Level 1 course Saturday, September 26 at Innovation Connector, located at 1208 W. White River Blvd., from 9 a.m.–Noon, for youth ages 9–13. Learning to write and read computer coding is as easy for kids to master as regular reading and writing. Make it fun, and they will learn. That’s what Ryan Hunter and Brandon Coppernoll, founders of TechWise Academy believe, and why they developed…