
Indiana Students to Get Free FAFSA Filing Help at College Goal Sunday

Financial aid professionals will be volunteering at Ivy Tech Community College’s Muncie Cowan Road and Anderson 60th Street Campus locations as well as the John Jay Center for Learning in Portland. These locations are among the 41 sites in Indiana to help college-bound students and their families open the door to financial aid during College Goal Sunday. The event is set for Sunday, February 21 at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. The free program assists Indiana students in filing the Free…

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Ivy Tech Community College to hold Go Ivy Day Event at Muncie Housing Authority

By: Shawn Carmichael—  Muncie, Ind—Ivy Tech Community College East Central region will be holding a Go Ivy Day event on February 18 at the Muncie Housing Authority – Price Hall.  Prospective students will be able to learn all about Ivy Tech Community College including admissions, financial aid, new student orientation, and career services. Go Ivy Day Muncie Housing Authority – Price Hall February 18 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 704 South Madison Street Muncie, IN 47302 Appointments are required and…

Project Leadership’s Ice League Kicks Off With Draft Day

By: Brenda Morehead— MUNCIE — The 2016 season of Project Leadership’s ICE League launched Saturday with a Draft Day for more than 100 middle school student athletes at Muncie Central High School. The day featured students taking part in skill drills showcasing their basketball talents, as well as motivational speeches by Muncie Central basketball coaches. The Project Leadership Inner City Educational (ICE) League, in its second season, is an innovative initiative that motivates participants to be strong student athletes as…

BSU Center for International Development Needs Host Families

By: Hanna DelaGardelle— Jacob Okomo, a 17-year-old student from Rusinga Island, Kenya, traveled over three days last spring to visit the United States. Jacob, among 23 other students, were selected by the U.S. Embassies in five different countries to participate in the Pan-Africa Youth Leadership Program (PAYLP), funded by the U.S. Department of State. David and Hanna DelaGardelle, residents of Muncie, accommodated Jacob in their apartment for two weeks while he studied at Ball State University. After two consecutive years,…

Ice League Draft Day Kicks Off 2016 Season on Saturday

By: Sue Godfrey— The 2016 season of Project Leadership’s ICE League will officially get underway Saturday with a Draft Day for middle school athletes at Muncie Central High School. The Inner City Educational (ICE) League, in its second season, is an innovative initiative that motivates participants to be strong student athletes as they move toward high school and post-secondary educations. The ICE League ties in closely with Project Leadership’s mission to assist local students to and through college. Project Leadership…

Delta Middle School Students Adopt ARF as 2016 Outreach Recipient

By: Dee McKinsey— Approximately 155 students in Delta Middle School’s eight grade have been collecting supplies for ARF (Animal Rescue Fund), Muncie’s no-kill animal shelter, since they returned from winter break. Christopher Overholt, eighth grade social studies teacher, says that his pupils picked ARF after two rounds of voting. The students receive competitive points based on ARF requested donations, and the pupils’ character traits of effort, attitude and respect also were rewarded points. Overholt said that the students solicited donations…

Ice League to Focus on Grades AND Basketball Skills

By: Sue Godfrey— An innovative basketball league that leverages students’ love of sports while promoting stellar academics will kick off its 2016 season with a Draft Day on Feb. 6 at Muncie Central High School. The Inner City Educational (ICE) League motivates participants to be strong student athletes as they move toward high school and post- secondary education. The ICE League sets the grade point average bar at 2.5 and higher for students who wish to fully participate in the…

How to Conduct a Job Search

By: Dorothy Douglass, SPHR, SHRM-SCP— I work in Human Resources. Yes, I’m “that” person. HR does many things within an organization, one of them being hiring people. And that is what I’m asked about on a regular basis. I’m also over age 50. Why share that? Because I’ve been around the proverbial block and watched, participated in and led hiring in a number of businesses. The recruiting world has changed greatly over the last 20 years, and is not what it…

Former NAACP President to Speak as Part of BSU Unity Week

 By: Ball State Division of Strategic Communications— Former NAACP President Benjamin Jealous will talk about how our country’s forgotten history of race continues to haunt us in ways big and small when he visits Ball State Jan. 20. Jealous will deliver the Martin Luther King Speaker Series keynote address, “The Forgotten Origins and Consequences of Race in America,” at 7:30 p.m. in Pruis Hall as part of the university’s Unity Week, which starts on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. All…

Ball Brothers Foundation to Recognize Local Teachers in 2016

By: Jud Fisher— Ball Brothers Foundation will be honoring local teachers in 2016 through the Foundation’s Excellence in Teaching Award. As in previous years, the top honor includes a $15,000 grant to promote innovation in the winning teacher’s district, school, and classroom. The Excellence in Teaching grants program is open to public school teachers with at least three years of experience who are currently teaching in a K-12 classroom in any of Delaware County’s public school systems. Each district develops…