
P.E.O. Scholarship Awarded To Wapahani High School Student

By: Cathy Stewart, P.E.O. Chapter BF, Muncie— Muncie, IN—The prestigious P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) STAR Scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year has been awarded to Sydney Cook, a recent graduate of Wapahani High School. The scholarship was presented at the Wapahani High School awards ceremony by Rebecca Bieberich. Sydney is the daughter of Robert and Julie Cook and was recommended for this scholarship by Chapter BF of Muncie, Indiana. Sydney has been accepted and will attend Ball State University where she plans…

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The Community Foundation Announces Additional 2019 Scholarship Recipients

By: Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer— Muncie, IN—Congratulations to the following graduates: Angela Buck, of Muncie Central High School, is the recipient of the inaugural eKeeper Systems Unparalleled Excellence Scholarship. Buck plans to attend Indiana University to study genetics and Spanish. She is the daughter of Mary Louise and Schuyler Buck. Cora Conatser, of Delta High Schools is a recipient of the Dr. William J. McNabney and Thelma V. McNabney Memorial Scholarship. Conatser, a senior at Delta High School, plans…

Winning Yorktown Tiger Ball Teams Interviewed At WLBC Prior to BIG Saturday Games

By: Mike Rhodes & Steve Lindell— Muncie, IN—Two winning Tiger ball teams from Yorktown stopped by the WLBC studio this week to talk about their recent wins and BIG upcoming games taking place on Saturday, June 8th. The Yorktown Varsity Softball Team and the Yorktown Varsity Baseball Team were interviewed by WLBC’s Steve Lindell during two lively, fun-filled live broadcasts. The Yorktown Varsity Softball Team will play New Palestine in the 2018-19 IHSAA Class 3A Softball State Tournament – Class 3A…

New Books Help Build Students’ Home Libraries

By: Cindy Miller— Muncie, IN— Students attending elementary schools in the Muncie Community Schools and Inspire Academy recently received 4,000 new high quality books to read and keep for their own, thanks to a $57,000 donation from the Back to School Teachers Store. This initiative, called Books Kids Keep, was designed to give every child in local schools a new, free book to help build a child’s home library. Many books included Disney, super hero and Star Wars titles that…

The Community Foundation Announces Additional 2019 Scholarship Recipients 

By: Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer— Muncie, IN—Congratulations to the following graduates: Garrett Amburn, a senior at Yorktown High School,  is a recipient of the 2019 Robert and Wanda McKibben Scholarship. Amburn plans to attend Indian University to study nursing. He is the son of Robert and Stacie Amburn. Carlie Braielle Boggs, a senior at Wapahani High School, is the recipient of the 2019 Murray’s Jewelers Scholarship. Boggs plans to study business administration at Ball State University. She is the…

WIPB To Host Kids “Edcamp” For Local Educators

By: Michelle Kinsey— Muncie, IN— Calling all early childhood educators and providers! WIPB will have its first PBS Kids Edcamp on June 1 and you are invited. The PBS Kids Edcamp will be 8:30 a.m. to noon at Ball State University’s Alumni Center, 2800 W. Bethel Ave. You bring the questions and expertise for a FREE morning of fun, exploration, and discovery with a network of other early childhood educators in your area. We will bring the breakfast and prizes. We’ll also…

Oliver W. Storer Scholarship Recipients Announced

By: The Oliver W. Storer Scholarship Committee—  Muncie, IN—The Oliver W. Storer Scholarship Committee made up of the Delaware County public high school principals has announced, through its Secretary, Mark A. Ervin, the granting of 9 scholarships to Delaware County high school seniors.  The scholarships are granted annually to the limit of income available from the Storer Scholarship Foundation, which was created by the Muncie banker who died in 1953.  The Committee is instructed to choose graduates it considers have…

The Community Foundation Announces 2019 Scholarship Recipients 

By: Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer— Muncie, IN—Congratulations to the following graduates! Audrey Douglass, a senior at Daleville Jr/Sr High School, is a recipient of the 2019 Sarah E. Adams Scholarship. Douglass, daughter of Bryan and Tammy Douglass, plans to attend Indiana Wesleyan University.  Taylor Gillum, a senior at Daleville Jr./Sr. High School, as the recipient of the 2019 Sarah E. Adams Scholarship. Gillum plans to attend Anderson University to study athletic training. She is the daughter of Rob and Debbie…

Hamer D. and Phyllis C. Shafer Foundation Donates $130,000 to Ivy Tech

By: Jennifer Gasiorek— Muncie, IN–The Ivy Tech Foundation has received a donation from the Shafer Foundation of $130,000.  Ivy Tech Community College received a state appropriation of $38.7 million. However, the College was charged with raising an additional $4.3 million to complete the transformation of the Muncie campus to better serve students and area employers. “Shafer Foundation’s generous gift humbles me,” said Jeffrey D. Scott, Chancellor. “As I think about how close we are to reaching our financial goals, I…

Muncie Community Schools Teacher Named 2019 Excellence in Teaching Award Winner

By: Jud Fisher— Muncie, IN—Erica Collins, a 6th grade science and math teacher at MCS’s Northside Middle School, has been named Ball Brothers Foundation’s 2019 Excellence in Teaching Award winner. The honor includes a $15,000 grant. Finalists for the award included Becky Juday, a 5th grade teacher at Burris Laboratory School and Amy Meekin, a 2nd grade teacher at Cowan Elementary School. Nominations from public schools across Delaware County were reviewed by a panel of veteran teachers, administrators, college professors, and education experts….