
IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital’s Mandy Puckett Now Board Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management

By: Courtney Thomas—  Muncie, IN– Mandy L. Puckett, M.A., R.D., C.D., Manager of Clinical Nutrition & Weight Management at the IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Bariatric & Medical Weight Loss Center, recently achieved board certification as a Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management (designated as CSOWM), from the Commission on dietetic Registration, the credentialing agency for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In order to become board certified by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR), the credentialing agency for the Academy…

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New “Equipment” Will Keep Kids Entertained at IU Health Ball Memorial’s ER Dept

By: Dawn Brand Fluhler— Muncie, IN—In the very near future, if you visit the Emergency Department at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital, you will likely see a Starlight Fun Center entertaining a child who is waiting to be seen or waiting with a family member. What is a Starlight Fun Center? It’s portable gaming system on a rolling tower with a large display and control pad that provides entertainment and distraction for children who visit the Emergency Department. “The gaming…

Jay County Leaders Sign Agreement to Join IU Health

By: Dawn Brand Fluhler— Portland, IN – Jay County Hospital will officially join IU Health on March 1, becoming IU Health Jay Hospital. The announcement followed a vote of approval from the Jay County Council and Commissioners and the signing of the definitive agreement between Jay County Hospital and IU Health. The two parties signed a letter of intent in August agreeing to enter exclusive negotiations. Over the past four months, officials from IU Health and Jay County Hospital discussed the ideal…

Bethel Pointe Health & Rehab Earns 2017 Bronze National Quality Award 

By: McKensie Monroe, Admissions Coordinator— Muncie, In– Bethel Pointe Health & Rehab has been recognized as a 2017 Bronze – Achievement in Quality Award recipient by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). The award is the first of three distinctions possible through the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program, which was established in 1996 and spotlights providers across the nation that have demonstrated their commitment to improving quality of care for residents and patients in long term…

Ready for Black Friday? Comfy Shoes Make All The Difference For Shoppers

By: Marc Ransford— Muncie, IN—Lacing up a comfortable pair of athletic shoes before hitting the shopping mall this holiday season is highly recommended by Ball State’s Henry Wang, an exercise science professor who studies biomechanics in the university’s College of Health. He points out that athletic shoes designed for walking or running offer several benefits,including improving comfort, providing cushioning, enhancing support and promoting range of motion. “There are several studies that show the average person will spend two to three…

Six Basic Tips to Frying a Turkey The Safest Way Possible

By: Author Paul Kenny,  former VP of Ingredients at Kraft Foods and supper club enthusiast— Get a turkey that fits in your fryer A turkey in the 12 to 15 pound range will work well. Most turkey fryers will fit a turkey of less than 15 pounds. Larger turkeys increase the chances of oil overflow. The smaller turkey also cooks quicker and more evenly. If you are having a larger crowd, you may need to fry more than one turkey. The good…

IU Health Ball Memorial Family Medicine Residency Center Receives “CenteringPregnancy” Site Approval

By: Courtney Thomas— Muncie, IN—The IU Health Ball Memorial Family Medicine Residency Center (FMRC) has received approval as an accredited site for CenteringPregnancy.  The FMRC is now one of 11 sites approved in Indiana and the only site approved in East Central Indiana. The year-long approval process evaluated patient outcomes, adherence to quality standards and support from IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital administration. CenteringPregnancy is an innovative model of prenatal care that facilitates interactive learning and community building in a…

IU Health Ball Hospital Named One of Nation’s 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals by IBM Watson Health

By: Dawn Brand Fluhler— Muncie, IN—IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital was this week named one of the nation’s 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals by IBM Watson Health. IBM Watson Health recently released the 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals 2018 study. The annual study, conducted by Truven Health Analytics, now part of IBM Watson Health, identifies the top U.S. hospitals for inpatient cardiovascular services. The study uses a balanced national scorecard of hospital performance metrics to identify the highest performing cardiovascular service lines in…

IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Opens New Adult Surgical Unit

By: Dawn Fluhler— Muncie, IN—Last month, Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital revealed a brand new, modern, spacious and technologically rich Adult Surgical Unit. Located on the 9th floor in the North tower, the new space relocates part of the former 7th floor of the North Tower, where patients stay, when necessary, following surgical procedures. The new space provides all private patient rooms that foster a better environment for patients and staff. “The biggest change is that we now have double…