
A Firsthand Look at Rare Books

By: John Carlson— Muncie, IN—For book lovers, it’s like being a kid in a candy store. Make that an intellectually stimulating candy store. Located on the second floor of Ball State University’s E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center, the classic tomes of The Remnant Trust are a trove of historic works stored under glass for all to see. Even better, you may lift that glass and take the books into your hands to examine and read. Of course, there are…

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BSU Student Hopes Her Image on Side of Teachers College Will Boost Performing Arts

By: Marc Ransford— Muncie, IN—Ciara Borg is 5-foot, 3-inches tall, but at Ball State University, she is the tallest student on campus. Her image graces a 60-foot long statement banner hung on the side of Teachers College, one of the university’s iconic buildings, as part of a new marketing campaign, “We Fly.” Borg—one of several students featured in Ball State’s new branding efforts—also appears on two billboards in Indianapolis. “The first time I saw the banner, I was shocked because…

Scholarship Applications are Now Available

By: Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer— Muncie, IN—Scholarship applications are now available for the more than 40 scholarships administered by The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County. High school seniors and current college students should visit to view available scholarships and access the online application. Scholarships for post-secondary education administered by The Community Foundation have been established by donors, who set the criteria. Scholarships are awarded to students participating in a wide variety of activities, with a wide…

Ball State to Host Community’s First Digital Marketing Summit

By: Marc Ransford— Muncie, IN—The Center for Advancement of Digital Marketing and Analytics at Ball State University is hosting Muncie’s first Digital Marketing Summit Feb. 1 for those interested in learning about the future of digital marketing. CADMA’s Digital Marketing Summit will begin with a networking breakfast, where guests can enjoy a full spread while meeting marketing professionals, nonprofit leaders and students from across the state. The breakfast kicks off a day full of speakers covering topics such as The…

Ball State Keeps Housing, Dining Costs Low With Slight Percent Increase in Rates for 2018-19

By: Marc Ransford— Muncie, IN – The cost of living on the Ball State University campus will remain highly competitive as compared to its peer institutions and in-state schools as a result of a 1.6 percent increase in the room and board rates for the 2018-19 academic year. On Dec. 15, Ball State’s Board of Trustees approved a 2 percent rate increase for first-time students while returning students enrolled in the University’s premium plan, which locks in costs for a two-year…

Ivy Tech Names Johnson as Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs

By: Jennifer Gasiorek— Muncie, Ind.—Ivy Tech Community College has named Dr. Mia D. Johnson as vice chancellor of academic affairs for the Muncie campus and Ivy Tech Henry County location.  Johnson began her career at Ivy Tech in 2008 in the certification and assessment center.  She graduated from Muncie Central and calls Muncie home. She has previously served Ivy Tech as an adjunct professor, registrar for the legacy East Central Region  (Muncie, Marion, Anderson and Henry County), department chair of public and social services, dean…

Madison Smalstig and Kelby Stallings Are Lilly Endowment Community Scholars

By: Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer— Muncie, IN—The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc., has selected the recipients of the 2018 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, an award that grants full tuition to any accredited public or private non-profit college or university in Indiana. The Lilly Scholarship also covers fees and provides an annual stipend for required books and equipment. The recipients of the 2018 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship are Madison Smalstig from Yorktown High School and Kelby Stallings…

Local Students To Learn About Design, Building Processes From Ball State Architects

  Muncie, IN—The College of Architecture and Planning (CAP) at Ball State University is offering an architectural design experience to local high school students on Saturday, Nov. 18 with “Interactive City.” The hands-on design workshop will introduce Project Lead the Way students to foundational concepts of the design and build process, provide access to architecture professionals and will culminate with a finished project installed at the City Market in Indianapolis. The students’ efforts will engage the local community in helping…

Ball State’s Entrepreneurship Program Ranks In Nation’s Top 20

  Muncie, IN—Ball State University offers one of the best undergraduate entrepreneurship programs for students aspiring to launch their own businesses, according to an analysis by The Princeton Review. The education services company ranks Ball State at No. 20 on its list of “Top 25 Schools for Entrepreneurship of 2018,” which is posted at The ranking will be featured in the December issue of “Entrepreneur” magazine. “This national ranking as a top 20 program is outstanding recognition for our entrepreneurship…

Ball State University To Purchase Northside Middle School

Muncie, IN—Ball State University has agreed to purchase Northside Middle School from Muncie Community Schools (MCS) as part of a strategic investment in the campus and the community. Under a contract executed by Ball State and the emergency managers for MCS, the university will pay $1,270,000 for Northside Middle School. As part of an option in the purchase agreement, MCS could lease the 26-acre Northside property from BSU for $1 annually for up to five years. Ball State will pay…