Now Accepting Nominations for the 2025 David Sursa Leadership Award

David Sursa was the inaugural Board president of The Community Foundation. The annual David Sursa Leadership Award recognizes a nonprofit board member in Delaware County who displays the characteristics and commitment to the community expressed by David Sursa during his lifetime. Nominations are accepted through March 31.David Sursa was the inaugural Board president of The Community Foundation. The annual David Sursa Leadership Award recognizes a nonprofit board member in Delaware County who displays the characteristics and commitment to the community expressed by David Sursa during his lifetime. Nominations are accepted through March 31.

By Kallie Sulanke—

MUNCIE, IN—The Community Foundation is pleased to announce that nominations are being accepted for the annual David Sursa Leadership Award. The award rewards, recognizes, and encourages extraordinary leadership by a nonprofit board member in Delaware County.

Standing behind the belief that every community benefits from leaders who understand local issues and visualize and promote positivity, The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County established the David Sursa Leadership Award in honor of the organization’s inaugural Board president. David Sursa blazed a trail for The Community Foundation with visionary leadership that has contributed significantly to its success.

The David Sursa Leadership Award annually recognizes a nonprofit board member in Delaware County who displays the characteristics and commitment to the community expressed by David Sursa during his lifetime.

Organizations wishing to nominate an outstanding board member should complete the nomination form, available at, and return all supporting materials by March 31. The David Sursa Leadership Award recipient will be announced after the

Foundation’s Annual Meeting in May, and a $2,500 award will be made to the nominating organization in the recipient’s honor.

To access the nomination form or for more information on the David Sursa Leadership Award, visit or contact Marcy Minton, President & CEO, at 765-747-7181 or


About The Community Foundation

The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County has been serving the local community since 1985, supporting philanthropy, assisting donors in building a permanent source of charitable assets, and investing in initiatives that enhance the quality of life in Muncie and Delaware County. With an endowment of over $93 million, the Foundation has distributed nearly $68 million in grants and scholarships to date.