By Ashlee Anderson—
MUNCIE, IN—Altrusa Club of Muncie and the Muncie Altrusa Foundation are hosting a Tea and Auction to support Club projects and Foundation grants. Club projects focus on literacy, food insecurity, and meeting various needs in the local community, while the Foundation grants fund local non-profits through an application process.
All are invited to purchase tickets to Tea in Wonderland presented by Old National Bank. Lunch and tea will beserved and the main focus will be participating in the lively auction featuring curated items supplied by members of Altrusa as well as the community. A sneak peak of items will be shared on the Altrusa Club of Muncie Facebook page. Join us for a magical afternoon filled with delightful sips, delectable bites, and bidding on extraordinary treasures! Other sponsors include Swift & Associates, CPAs and Polcz Volbrecht Homes.
The event is being held on April 7, 2024 at 1:00 pm and will be located at the Delaware Country Club at 510 S Country Club Road in Muncie, IN,
Tickets are $30 for a seat and $225 for a table of 8. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite via the link below. bank-tickets-840288785377

Altrusans (from left to right): Lorraine Tomlin, Susan Volbrecht and Leigh Edwards auctioning items at the 2023 event. Photo provided
Altrusa International of Muncie, IN
Altrusa of Muncie, Inc, is an international association of professional persons who volunteer their energies andexpertise in projects dedicated to community betterment.
Muncie Altrusa Foundation
Our Mission . . . to assist organizations in Muncie/Delaware County, Indiana area for educational, literary, and charitable purposes. The organization strives to uphold its commitment to unselfish, unbiased giving. Our Foundation . . . was established to receive and administer assets for charitable and special needs in the Muncie and Delaware County community. It provides an avenue for individuals, organizations and corporations tocontribute to a tax-exempt fund that fills a charitable need.