Isaiah 117 House for Foster Care Kids Coming to Delaware County

Photo by Keith RoysdonPhoto by Keith Roysdon

By Keith Roysdon—

DELAWARE COUNTY, Indiana – Imagine if you were nine years old, removed from an abusive or neglected circumstance and headed for foster care – but first, you had to wait for hours or even overnight in a cubicle in a welfare office.

The multi-state Isaiah 117 Houses are intended to prevent that unwelcome layover at a child services office by offering a homelike accommodation for a child and their caseworker until a foster home is ready.

With $200,000 in funding spearheaded from Delaware County Commissioner James King and the Delaware County Redevelopment Commission, an Isaiah 117 House should be a reality in Delaware County before the end of 2024.

“There have been times kiddos have had to spend a day or two in an office setting,” said Hannah Coffman, location leader for Delaware County’s in-the-works Isaiah 117 House. The idea is to provide a home-like setting for the child and caseworker.

“If something happens at 3 a.m. and they are brought into the house and want to make cookies, we will make cookies,” Coffman said. The homes are staffed by volunteers.

The child – following a removal approved by the Indiana Department of Child Services – is always supervised and accompanied by their caseworker, and while stays at an Isaiah 117 House can be as brief as a few hours, the house is a relief to the child in an already stressful time.

Delaware County’s two-bedroom Isaiah 117 House – on land donated by the Delaware County commissioners on South Tillotson Avenue – will be built from the ground up in the coming months after funding by Delaware County. Approvals for utility and service connections are on track and Coffman said the local organization has made connections with contractors that will do the build.

“The ultimate goal is to be up and serving by Christmas.”

Several local churches “have made us part of their missions,” Coffman said. “We don’t associate ourselves with a single church or organization. We want this to be the community’s house, coming together with the common goal of making that child’s life better.”

After finding general contractors to work with, Isaiah House held a contractor’s breakfast and found nearly 50 people who wanted to work on construction of the house.

Coffman is a special education teacher who, for six years, has taught virtual classes for young adults still working toward graduating from high school. She and her husband, Tim, applied to the national organization in 2021 to open an Isaiah 117 House in Delaware County.

“We are constantly under national guidance,” she said. “We meet as a state weekly, we have full organization meetings with all the states.” They went to Johnson City, Tennessee, for training.

The national organization has houses in 11 states, according to

Coffman gives credit to Delaware County officials for making the home possible.

“The commissioners have been absolutely amazing. Commissioner King really stepped up.”

“We believe that God puts the right people in the right seats,” she added.

Commissioner President James King said, “Ensuring a safe environment for our most vulnerable children is high on my priority list. I’m happy to have had the opportunity to work with the Isaiah 117 House team to make this project a reality. Once I learned that children were sleeping in the cubicles of case workers waiting on a foster family – it was imperative that we acted immediately. Thank you to Hannah Coffman and all the dedicated Isaiah House workers and supporters for their commitment to children in Delaware County.”

More information about Isaiah117House in Delaware County can be found at the organization’s Facebook page:

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