Muncie Mayor Dan Ridenour Files 2022 Budget to City Council

Aerial of Muncie City Hall in downtown Muncie. Photo by Mike Rhodes.Aerial of Muncie City Hall in downtown Muncie. Photo by Mike Rhodes.

By Tony SandlebenDirector of Communications, City of Muncie—

MUNCIE, Ind. – On August 30th, Mayor Dan Ridenour filed his proposed budget for 2022 officially to the clerk’s office for the Muncie City Council review. This is the second budget of his term and will be introduced at the September 13th city council meeting.

As was the case in 2021, Mayor Ridenour focused increased funding toward parks and other quality of life items such as streets. “My budget remains focused on parks, sidewalks, and streets as a method to improve the quality of place for city residents. To accomplish this focus we must provide city employees the resources they need to improve our parks and streets. Since I took office some 20 months ago, we have put in place sound financialprocedures and kept focused on our goals. This budget shows that we are beginning to reap some of the benefits of those financial steps” said Mayor Dan Ridenour.

City controller, Craig Wright stated, “The 2022 budget, as proposed to the council, is balanced just like it was in 2021. It even includes depositing some of the surplus to the Rainy Day fund. These extra funds being put aside will improve the City of Muncie’s ability to address future needs.”

Some of the highlights of the 2022 budget include:

Total spending of $54.17 Million. This is an increase over the 2021 budget but still remains lower than 2018 spending of $54.32 Million.

The 2022 budget comes with an estimated surplus of +$820,329. The 2022 budget also adds +$500,000 to the Rainy Day fund.

Street department spending is set for $6.9 million in 2022. This represents a +14.1% increase over the 2021 budget and is +$1.5 million more than the 2019 budget for streets.

Total park department spending (includes EDIT) of $2.8 million up +$211,466 over 2021 (includes EDIT). The 2021 budget for parks was 16% more than 2020.

Adding a full-time assistant forester to the parks team to help maintain our growing park amenities.Secured a local foundation to pay half the salary of the assistant forester.

2022 playground upgrades/maintenance budget will expand to $100,000 compared to $60,000 in 2021 and $2,135 in 2019.

To provide employees the tools they need for success we are increasing the capital equipment for parks to $180,000 in 2022, up from $110,000 in 2021 and $83,965 in 2019.

2021 is year one of the three-year agreements for all three unions that represent City of Muncie employees. City employees will not see a salary increase in 2022 although there were larger than normal increases given in 2021 and more scheduled for 2023.

The Muncie City Council is expected to begin finance committee hearings in September before a final budget would be approved sometime in October.


About Muncie, Indiana

Incorporated in 1865, the City of Muncie is a welcoming and ambitions community. The municipality has a population of approximately 70,000 residents, and is located in the heart of East-Central Indiana. Muncieprides itself as being a central hub for commerce, recreation, and development. Home to quality education, technology driven development, and a friendly populous. Muncie is proud to be “The Capital of East-Central Indiana.”