By Main Street America—
Muncie, IN— Main Street America and The Hartford are pleased to announce the second-round recipients of the HartBeat of Main Street Grant Program. Grants of $5,000 – $15,000 have been awarded to 31 brick-and-mortar small businesses across the country. Funds will help these businesses respond and adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and help to revitalize historic downtown commercial districts.
Muncie Community Market LLC/ Common Market in Muncie was awarded $15,000. The Common Market is located at 900 W 8th Street (8th and Hoyt Ave) “As small businesses continue to face enormous challenges in the wake of COVID-19, they need our support now more than ever,” said Main Street America’s President and CEO Patrice Frey.
“Having this opportunity is a game changer to a boot strap start up focused on social change. Having worked with Main Street through the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership, we are honored to have been selected” said Mike Martin, Common Market Owner.
Grant proposals were judged based on: feasibility; the extent to which the grant will help address an acute business need or help a business owner implement innovative solutions to address COVID-19-related challenges; opportunity for other businesses to learn from work; how the grant would help improve the viability of business; the business’s commitment to giving back to their community and/or community engagement; and strength of letters of recommendation and supporting documents.
Muncie Mayor, Dan Ridenour said “Residents have identified access to food, places to gather and new business as important components of a vibrant neighborhood. The Common Market helps bring exactly these attributes to the Hoyt Avenue corridor. It is always encouraging when outside funding supports the efforts here, so I am pleased to learn of the new grant received by the Common Market.”

The Common Market is located at 900 W 8th Street (8th and Hoyt Ave.) Photo by Mike Rhodes
According to Nick Tokar, President Muncie Downtown Development Partnership, “We were pleased that a neighborhood business adjacent to downtown was the recipient. Our organization has long maintained that as the core gets stronger, improvements and development will begin to radiate out into the surrounding neighborhoods. That the grant will contribute toward the 8twelve Neighborhood revitalization efforts makes this even more significant.
About Main Street America
Main Street America is a program of the National Main Street Center, which has been helping revitalize older and historic commercial districts for 40 years. For more information, visit:
About Muncie Downtown Development Partnership
MDDP Exists to create a Downtown environment that results in sustainable economic and cultural growth. Visit:
About 8twelve Coalition
The 8twelve Coalition is a neighborhood revitalization effort convened by Muncie Habitat for Humanity. Working together with more than 25 partners for over 5 years, the 8twelve Coalition seeks to improve quality of life in the target area as defined by residents. It encompasses South Central Neighborhood and a portion of Thomas Park/Avondale Neighborhood bordering downtown Muncie on the South. Visit:
About Muncie, Indiana
Incorporated in 1865, the City of Muncie is a welcoming and ambitions community. The municipality has a population of approximately 70,085 residents, and is located in the heart of East-Central Indiana. Muncie prides itself as being a central hub for commerce, recreation, and development. Home to quality education, technology driven development, and a friendly populous. Muncie is proud to be “The Capital of East-Central Indiana”