By City of Muncie Communications—
Muncie, IN—Mayor Dan Ridenour has announced his selection of Richard Ivy to serve as the Deputy Mayor for the City of Muncie. During a press conference on November 12, 2020, Mayor Ridenour highlighted Ivy’s experience as a former personnel director, a leader in the community, and experience in matters related to his service to the Muncie City Council.
Below are highlights Mayor Ridenour shared regarding Ivy’s experiences:
Government Experience—City Council At-Large, serves on Finance Committee chair, serves on the Public Works Committee, serves on the ECI Regional Planning District Board, and serves on the Union Negotiations Team.
Under former Mayor Canon, Ivy served the city on the Board of Works board and Police Merit Board. He also served as the Personnel Director for the City of Muncie from 2004-2008.
Private Experience in leadership roles—2009 to current, Quality Improvement Officer for LifeStream Services. Responsible for 19,000 Seniors and people with disabilities in 12 counties.
Ivy was also the Plant Production Manager for Hiatt Metal Products from 1990-2003.
Ivy has a servant’s heart and helps the community in many ways. He is a member of the MLK Dream Team, the Ball State Engineering Advisory Board, Muncie City Schools PL221 Advisory Board, PARKS Summer Youth Program Administrator, Board Member and VP for Whitely Community Council, and is a member of the Delaware County Senior Citizens Board. He has helped the Youth of Muncie for 25 years from Track & Field events to soccer. He is a member of Antioch Missionary Baptist church and acts as Trustee and Finance Secretary for the church.
“Richard Ivy is a rising star in our community,” said Mayor Ridenour. “He has a heart and passion to serve people and shares a vision for Muncie that will serve our city beyond my administration. He is a man of integrity who will serve an important role in advancing transparency in the processes we use for conducting city business.”
Upon his appointment Ivy stated, “I appreciate the opportunity to serve my community in this capacity. I always serve my community in roles with less visibility and I’m just blessed to have the opportunity to have influence at a higher position in the city to help our city move forward in a positive light in the very near future and beyond.”
Ivy will begin his position as Deputy Mayor on January 1, 2021
Controller’s Office Selects New Deputy Controller
Muncie Controller Trent Conway and Craig Wright have selected a new Deputy Controller. Tonya Hyatt, has accepted the position to serve as the new Deputy Controller.

Tonya Hyatt
“I want to welcome Tonya to the Controller’s Office. We are excited and looking forward to what she will bring to the City of Muncie,” stated Craig Wright. Wright was hired to replace Trent Conway who resigns from his position as Muncie City Controller on December 1, 2020.
Hyatt moved to Delaware County in 2018 and has served on various community boards and served many volunteer hours over the years. She currently serves on the Finance Committee for the Boys & Girls Club, also serving in Tri Kappa Sorority and volunteers for Women Build with Habitat for Humanity.
Hyatt has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Purdue University. She also has accounting experience as a Staff Accountant and Sr. Financial Analyst in the Healthcare Industry. In these roles, she has an extensive amount of experience in report writing, budgeting, financial projections, and collaborating with multiple different departments, managers, and board members.
Prior to her accounting roles, Hyatt worked in the banking industry where she greatly enjoyed her work in a customer service position. The combination of her past positions have helped her gain a great amount of experience including leadership, strategic planning, resource management, financial planning, as well as communication and relationship building.
“I am looking forward to serving the City of Muncie as Deputy Controller,” Hyatt said. “My own favorite personal Mantra quote is ‘We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges.'”