Kiwanis Club of Muncie To Help Honor MCS Teachers August 9th

Photo courtesy of Back to School Teachers Store.Photo courtesy of Back to School Teachers Store.

By: Scott Metzler, President Kiwanis Club of Muncie—

Muncie, IN—The Kiwanis Club knows the importance of investing in the community’s teachers and children. On August 9th, the local Muncie chapter will help honor Muncie Community School teachers at the 2nd Annual Teachers Gala from 6-9pm at MadJax, hosted by the local non-profit The Back To School Teachers Store and Muncie Community Schools (MCS).

“The Kiwanis Club of Muncie is excited to be honoring our community’s teachers,” said local chapter president Scott Metzler. “We want to make a lasting difference and help provide the necessary support for children to thrive, prosper and grow.” Members of the local chapter’s youth service committee will take center stage and help out during the ceremony to recognize MCS’s top teachers of the year. For more information about the event, visit

The Kiwanis Club of Muncie welcomes new members who want to serve their community. Kiwanis invite you to join their weekly noon meetings every Wednesday at Vera Mae’s Bistro – Downtown Muncie. For more information contact Scott Metzler at (765) 284-5554.

About Kiwanis International

Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of clubs and members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Kiwanis and its family of clubs, including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students age 14–18, Builders Club for students age 11–14, K-Kids for students age 6–12 and Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities, annually dedicate more than 18.5 million service hours to strengthen communities and serve children. The Kiwanis International family comprises nearly 558,000 adult and youth members 82 nations and geographic areas.

Visit for more information.


About Kiwanis Club of Muncie

Kiwanis Club of Muncie has dedicated countless hours in serving the community, building life-long friendships, and developing strong leadership skills. The local chapter empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Visit Kiwanis Club of Muncie on Facebook and Twitter for more information.