Delaware County, IN – Delaware County Commissioners and Council shared a budget update today, highlighting a continued focus on paving roadways and a fiscally conservative approach to spending.
“As stewards of the residents’ tax dollars, it was imperative that we get excessive spending under control without burdening our county,” said Delaware County Commissioner Shannon Henry. “In the last few years, we have created a more sustainable future by adding to our cash reserves, while maintaining a focus on road resurfacing.”
In 2016 and 2017, Delaware County added more than $1.5 million to the cash reserves. These cash reserves help to maintain the financial security of the county and safeguard budgets. In addition, the reserves greatly reduce the amount of funding the county has to borrow annually until the tax draws are in place.
While building these cash reserves, Delaware County has continued to invest heavily in road resurfacing projects county-wide. From 2015-2017, Delaware County resurfaced more than 325 lane miles of road verses only 145 miles in the preceding three years. These efforts have focused on two-lane thoroughfares that residents use for commuting to and from work, with several other significant road repaving projects in the works.
“Maintaining our infrastructure is crucial to economic opportunity in our county,” said Ron Quakenbush County Council President. “Together with the Commissioners, we have prioritized projects, tools, and funds to help our County Highway Department to be more productive and keep the roadways that we’re responsible for maintained.”
Delaware County is budgeting more than $2 million in funding for road resurfacing projects for the next three years. Progress will continue to be made on the resurfacing of county thoroughfares, while also maintaining secondary roads. In addition, the County Commissioners and Council have supported county staff’s efforts to seek additional funding through TIF and state grant opportunities for road paving.
“The additional funding from the TIF districts and the state’s Community Crossings grants have helped tremendously in paving county roads. Funds from these sources have paved more roads in the last three years than what the county has ever paved in that same period of time,” said County Commissioner James King.
“Our fiscally-responsible approach to the county’s budget is building a stronger Delaware County. A stronger county means increased opportunities for economic development and a better quality of life for our residents,” said County Commissioner Sherry Riggin.
The Delaware County Commissioners are responsible for county roads outside of the City of Muncie and six surrounding towns in Delaware County. With the 2018 construction season underway, road resurfacing efforts are in full swing. Improvements will continue throughout the summer months, county-wide.
“We are working diligently this summer to continue our efforts to make sure that all county roads are in good shape,” said County Commissioner Henry.