By: Mike Rhodes—
When was the last time you took your dog out for dinner? I’m not talking about stopping at a burger joint and pitching a cheeseburger in the back seat for your furry friend.
I’m talking about REALLY taking your dog OUT for dinner. To a swanky, upscale restaurant, where other dogs and owners will be dining. Sound like a good time? You bet!
You can have that opportunity on Sunday, July 16th, as Vera Mae’s Bistro hosts the first “Bow Wow Bistro” to benefit the Animal Rescue Fund. (ARF)
“Terri Panszi, Steve Fennimore and myself have been discussing this idea for many years—I think at least 10 years at this point—so finally one day I spoke with Terri and said let’s do this and get it on the calendar,” said Kent Shuff of Vera Mae’s. “All of the dogs we personally own are rescue dogs and two of the three came from ARF, so we are obviously emotionally attached to ARF. This event is a way of giving back to the community. The community gives to us and we like to give back to the community. We really “dig” the concept and are happy to have dog owners and their pals here for a special unique dinner.”
“ARF is thrilled about this fun event. We have talked about doing this for a very long time. Now thanks to Vera Mae’s and Scout and Zoe’s, it is finally happening. This will be a fun way to gather animal lovers and their fur babies together to enjoy great food for both humans and pets. Most importantly, the event will help save the lives of the less fortunate animals that come to ARF. It is our hope those saved animals will someday enjoy the love and wonderful life that all animals deserve to have. We are very, very grateful to Vera Mae’s and Scout & Zoe’s and look forward to this wonderful event.”—Terri Panszi, founder of ARF.
Kent said the Bow Wow Bistro will be able to accommodate 125 people and 75 dogs. (No cats for the event, just dogs.) ARF will be responsible for “policing” the animals and the potty area outside of Vera Mae’s. ARF will patrol and head off any potential issues between dogs and monitor the animals activity so every animal gets along well with the other dogs in attendance. All dogs in attendance must be leashed. Kent suggests using your own unique insight and judgment about your pet. If your dog doesn’t seem to particularly get along well with other dogs, you should probably leave your dog home. However, if you’d like to attend and DON’T have a dog of your own, you are still encouraged to attend as proceeds go to benefit ARF.
Reservations must be made. Please call Vera Mae’s at 747-4941 to make your reservation.

We eat Sunday, July 16th from 11:30am to 2:30pm at Vera Mae’s Bistro—209 S. Walnut St, Muncie, IN. Rain or shine.
Humans will be seated at regular tables, and pooches will have a special meal to eat from their food bowls located on the floor beside their owners. Cindy Quirk of Scout & Zoe’s pet food company will be putting putting together the recipe menu for the dog’s meals as well as providing gift bags consisting of a water bowl, bottled water, and samples of natural foods/snacks. Don’t miss this unique event and help support ARF, too.
About ARF
Founded in 1998 by animal activist Terri Panszi, The Animal Rescue Fund (ARF), Muncie, is a private non-profit, no kill-shelter that provides housing, medical care and rehoming to abused, neglected and unwanted animals. Through education efforts, building public awareness, and community participation, ARF relieves animal suffering by preventing cruelty, abuse, neglect and overpopulation. Since its’ founding, ARF has saved thousands of animals. For more information, or to volunteer or contribute, contact ARF at or by calling 765-282-ARFF (2733).
About Vera Mae’s Bistro
Opening its doors in 1999, Vera Mae’s began as a lunch delivery and catering business through its South Walnut street storefront in downtown Muncie. Owner Kent Shuff pioneered the revitalization of Muncie’s historical district and later expanded the restaurant in 2002. Formerly Ballard Hardware, Kent and co-owner and partner, Steve Fennimore created the Ballaird Hall, increasing the original Bistro from 54 seats to 210 seats. Vera Mae’s is a consistently popular bistro and has received accolades from across the state. Visit for more information.
About Scout & Zoe’s
Founded in 2010 in Anderson, Indiana, by Cindy Dunston Quirk, Scout & Zoe’s is a premium, all-natural pet treat company. Dunston Quirk’s love and passion for animals drove her to build the company, which is named after her German Shorthaired Pointer Scout and her German Shepherd Zoe. Both Scout and Zoe suffered with severe allergies and were unable to enjoy common chews or treats, which inspired Dunston Quirk to develop the chews and treats the company includes in their product assortment. Scout & Zoe’s was named to the Entrepreneur Magazine’s 360™ List in 2017 based upon the company’s impact, innovation, growth, and leadership. Dunston Quirk believes strongly in social and environmental values include employing individuals with disabilities, using the services of local fishermen, sourcing raw ingredients in the USA and producing product in USDA inspected facilities, and helping to improve American waterways. For more information, please or connect with Scout & Zoe’s on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.