MUNCIE, IN— Formerly referred to as Gearbox:Muncie A Maker Hub, the makerspace project has changed its name to better fit its evolving brand. Located at the corner of Madison and Jackson Streets in DWNTWN Muncie, the creative collective will now be called Madjax, the Muncie Maker Force. Madjax will host a variety of maker, community and academic tenants.
Since the inception of the project in Fall 2014, the scope of the Muncie makerspace has continued to grow exponentially. In this time, it became apparent the vast types of makers who were interested in working in the space. The board realized the importance of creating a name that encompassed all maker skillsets, including unique and exciting commercial tenants, who continue to diversify the maker skillset beyond fine art and technical applications.
“Madjax, the Muncie Maker Force is very reflective of our goals for this program located at Madison and Jackson streets in our downtown,” said Michael Wolfe, Board President for Sustainable Muncie Corporation. “The makers have always been a force in Muncie and this location facilitates a coming together and bringing of spirit, collaboration, and a rich culture.”
With a focus on community betterment, it was important to instill Muncie pride through the name. Madjax is a locator in and of itself and was a natural fit for the brand.
The Madjax logo is geometric in nature with its bold and powerful stencil type treatment. The inspiration behind the mark is based in street art, matching the industrial feel of the open- concept warehouse.
Paired with Madjax is the qualifier, Maker Force, which is a modern take on workforce. Maker Force creates a sense of community for Madjax tenants. Though the makers will work in unique industries, the Maker Force is the thread that will tie the individuals together.
“This place [Madjax] is just perfect for everything we want to do, where we want to be and how we want to be involved in the community,” said Kim Miller, a maker who will be a tenant of Madjax. “We’re excited, that’s why we really pushed to be in here.”
Progress is underway in Madjax, with construction updates being shared weekly via social media outlets. Follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Additionally, Tenant Requests are being reviewed on a first come basis and Madjax will release its first set of tenants the coming days. A variety of makers will reside in the space, including the categories of community, academic + learning and commercial. Madjax thrives on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art + Design and Math) initiatives, which aim to create new methods of thinking to drive innovation. For more information about becoming a tenant, contact Scott Truex at or 317-696-6170.
For more information on Madjax, contact Michael Wolfe at or 765-215-1004.
View larger images by clicking on a thumbnail below.
- Madjax, located at Madison and Jackson streets in downtown Muncie. File photo
- Madjax interior
- Madjax interior
- Madjax interior