By: Frank Baldwin—
Community guests are invited to the 85th annual Muncie Mission Thanksgiving Day dinner.
Thanksgiving dinner will be served to residents and community guests on Thanksgiving Day, at noon, at the Mission, 1725 S. Liberty St.
“Last year 150 traditional Thanksgiving dinners with all of the trimmings were served by staff and volunteers and another 225 meals were delivered by volunteers around the county to those home-bound. We expect the demands for assistance to be high again this year as the condition of the economy is still affecting many lives”, said Frank Baldwin, Executive Director, Muncie Mission.
“We’re trusting that the community will sense the magnitude of need for food and financial gifts this year. This special Thanksgiving meal represents just one day out of the 365 days each year we provide meals for the hungry. Last year over 75,800 meals were prepared and served. We know our faithful partners will continue to support this important community effort and hope many new partners will join us this year”, Baldwin said.
Meals will be delivered by volunteers to elderly and those home-bound. For those who have not registered to receive a meal through Meals on Wheels or LifeStream please call Muncie Mission at 288-9122 ext 230 to register.
The public is also invited to a Thanksgiving praise service for Mission residents and staff 11:30a.m.-12 noon, dinner will be served following.
Food donations are now being accepted. Items needed include turkeys (20lb. preferred), #10 cans green beans, sweet potatoes, black olives, fresh vegetables (carrots, celery and radishes), fresh fruit (apples, oranges and bananas), and pumpkin pies. Please contact the Mission, 288-9122 ext 230 and let them know what’s on your donation list. Turkeys are needed by 10/19, other items by 10/23.

Scene from last year where the general public was able to enjoy a FREE Thanksgiving meal. Photo provided.
To learn more about Muncie Mission visit their website:
Frank Baldwin is Executive Director of Muncie Mission Ministries