By: The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County, Inc.—
November is a time to give thanks. Fundraising professionals in Indiana are doing just that. The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) – Indiana Chapter recently held its annual Indiana Philanthropy Awards Dinner honoring and thanking philanthropists in our community. These individuals, corporations and foundations were honored at a dinner on November 18th at the Hilton Indianapolis Downtown.
2015 Indiana Philanthropy Award Recipients
Outstanding Civic Organization: Sunnyside Guild
Outstanding Foundation: Wayne County, Indiana, Foundation, Inc.
Outstanding Corporation: ArcelorMittal
Outstanding Small Business: Toyota of Muncie
Outstanding Fundraising Professional: Terry Ceaser-Hudson
Lifetime Achievement: Yvonne Shaheen
Outstanding Philanthropist: Larry and Lisa Sablosky
Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser: Virginia Merkel
Outstanding Young Adult: Wesley Boone
Toyota of Muncie was the first auto dealer in their category to be recognized. “We’re honored at the recognition, but also humbled knowing how everything we’ve been able to do in and around our community has been built on friendships and partnerships over the last 9 years,” stated Jeff Daniels, Managing Partner.
Jeff and Melissa Daniels accepted their award at the Indiana Philanthropy Awards dinner on November 18th in Indianapolis. “For us, the best part of this recognition is knowing that the efforts of so many in Muncie and Delaware County are getting noticed state-wide. It’s nice to reflect on what has been accomplished, but we in many ways it feels like we are still just getting started. There’s so much more to be done.”
The Indiana Philanthropy Awards Dinner honored local individuals, civic organizations, foundations, corporations and small businesses who have enhanced philanthropy, the community and the world through their dedicated efforts, time, leadership, passion and generosity.

Some of the sales staff at Toyota of Muncie are pictured outside the dealership on November 25, 2015. Photo by: Mike Rhodes
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the leading organization for professionalism in fundraising and has helped thousands of fundraisers to efficiently and ethically raise philanthropic dollars by increasing their fundraising skills and knowledge. AFP represents more than 27,000 members in 170 chapters in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and China working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education, and certification programs.
For more information contact:
Sara Nash – AFP-IC Chapter Administrator
Kelly K. Shrock – President, The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County, Inc.