Teachers Awarded Robert P. Bell Grants for Creative and Innovative Classroom Projects

Robert P. Bell Education Grants AwardedRobert P. Bell Education Grants Awarded

Muncie, IN—Local teachers will receive $985 in Robert P. Bell Education Grants from The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. Across the county, 1,000s of students benefit from Bell Education Grants each year.

Awards of up to $450 are available through the Bell Grants program. Funded projects are creative or innovative ideas or programs designed to stimulate learning in students. All Delaware County teachers are invited to apply during any of the four grant cycles.

This past summer, The Community Foundation established the Robert P. Bell Teacher Grants Fund to permanently endow the program to ensure that teachers have access to funds to help engage their students in meaningful ways for years to come. Individuals can contribute to the new endowment fund to memorialize a special teacher, honor a retiring teacher or teacher celebrating a work anniversary, or to simply show their support for K-12 education in Delaware County.

    • Mary Ann Avery, Muncie Central High School, was awarded $260 to build two “square-foot” gardens and give life skills biology students experience growing, harvesting, and selling parsley and cilantro, which are herbs needed by both the school cafeteria and a university cafeteria.
    • Kaleigh Hesher and Beck Juday, Burris Laboratory School, was awarded $450 for fifth grade students to write, produce, and perform a play based on ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’ by Chris Van Allsburg.
    • Emily Joseph, Yorktown Elementary School, was awarded $275 for elementary students to celebrate their year-long study of Indiana History with Pioneer Days. During the week, students will experience weaving, top spinning, tin pinching, dancing and creating small log cabins. They will play pioneer games and taste pioneer-era food. Teachers will host a culminating event by walking to a nearby park to eat lunch, play games and take a nature walk.


The next deadline for Bell Grants is September 1, 2017. For more information about Bell Grants applications and the Robert P. Bell Teacher Grants Fund, contact Colton Strawser, Program Officer at cstrawser@cfmdin.org. Information is also available at cfmdin.org.


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