
Ivy Tech Community College Offers New Learning Spaces For Nursing and Health Science Programs

By: Jennifer Gasiorek— Muncie, IN – A ribbon cutting was held this morning celebrating the opening of the IU Health School of Health Sciences and Ball Brothers Foundation School of Nursing wings in the John and Janice Fisher Building at Ivy Tech Community College’s Muncie Campus. “We are proud to bring a world-class learning experience into the heart of Muncie. Moving these programs to the downtown campus will bring more vibrancy downtown and provide an opportunity for growth,” said Jeffrey D. Scott,…

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Flu-Related Visitor Restrictions Implemented at IU Health Ball, Blackford and Jay Hospitals

By: Dawn Brand Fluhler— Muncie, IN – Due to an increasing number of flu cases in Indiana, IU Health Ball, Blackford and Jay Hospitals are taking the precautionary measure of restricting patient visitors within the hospitals. This temporary policy went into effect January 11, 2018. Other IU Health facilities statewide are also implementing restrictions to protect patients, families and team members from unnecessary potential exposure to the flu virus. For patients, families, team members and media, temporary visitor restriction means: Only essential adults…

Want To Be Healthy Over The Holidays? Put Down Your Smartphone.

By: Ball State Marketing and Communications— Muncie, IN—Putting away the smartphone, iPad and other device may be the first step to enjoying a healthier lifestyle during the holidays, says Jagdish Khubchandani, a member of the Global Health Institute at Ball State University and a physiology and health science professor. His study found that excessive technology use and professional stress were predictors for lack of adequate physical activity and a decline in healthy eating. “The increasing use of electronic media has…

Meridian Health Services Welcomes Madison County Community Health Center

By: Lorri Markum—  Muncie, IN — Meridian Health Services is pleased to announce that Madison County Community Health Center will be joining its organization with an anticipated effective date first quarter of 2019.   This collaboration will bring great strengths to each and offer patients access to a broader spectrum of healthcare services that will provide community benefit. Meridian Health Services is a regional, progressive, not-for-profit healthcare system with a gross annual revenue of $137 million.  Meridian specializes in “whole-person” health…

Opinion: Let’s Discourage Smoking and Save Hoosier Lives With Smart Public Policy

By: Jeff Bird, MD, President, Indiana University Health East Central Region— Muncie, Indiana—Too many Hoosier babies die before their first birthday. The toll is tragic. Indiana’s infant mortality rate of 7.5 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births equated to the deaths of 623 babies in 2016. fAnd African American infants face worse odds, dying at a rate twice that of white infants. Only five states have higher rates of infant mortality than Indiana’s. While the past two state administrations…

Take a Few Minutes Each Day To Exercise Your Way Into a New Year

By: Nicole L. Koontz— Muncie, Indiana—It’s that time of year again. Over the next few weeks, we will strive to wear the perfect outfit, select a perfect gift and host the perfect holiday party. While it’s a festive time, many of us get perfectly stressed out. And the thought of exercising goes right out the window. Instead, we promise to start or restart the first day of the new year. In that instant, we surrender to mounds of food and…

IUSM-Muncie Center Participates in Local Food Bank Distribution & Healthy Lifestyles Promotions

By: Joe LoPilato, Derron Bishop, & Hanna DelaGardelle— Muncie, Indiana—Students, staff, and faculty of Muncie Center for Medical Education/IU School of Medicine-Muncie participated in the Second Harvest Food Bank Distribution. Over 50 members of the Muncie campus helped pass out foodstuffs, including dairy, grain, and vegetable products that will impact an estimated 1000 families. In addition, students went car-to-car to conduct health histories and connect individuals to the new student-run Healthy Lifestyle Center (HLC) in Muncie. In total, they were able to sign up 42…

Open Door Health Services Opens New Muncie West Office

By: Suzanne Clem— Muncie, IN—Open Door Health Services is expanding its community reach with the opening of a new Muncie West office in the Westside neighborhood. Located at 215 S. Hutchinson Ave., Muncie West will house Open Door Pediatrics. Pediatrics patients currently receiving care at Open Door’s South Madison St. location will be seen at the new location beginning the week the Oct. 22. New patients are also welcome. Patients who wish to continue care at S. Madison St. will…

Healthy Lifestyle Center Open House Set for October 17th

By: Nicole L. Koontz M.S., RCEP, Associate Director of the Adult Physical Fitness Program, Ball State University— Muncie, IN—The Healthy Lifestyle Center is an interprofessional and collaborative community effort between the departments of the College of Health at Ball State University, IU Medical students as well as Meridian Health Services. Individuals can come in for FREE services in nutrition, exercise guidance, social work, counseling psychology, nursing and speech and audiology. How many times have you gone to the doctor or nurse practitioner…

IU Health Team Members Give Time For Community Service

By: Dawn Brand Fluhler— Muncie, IN– This year the IU Health Eastern Central Region participated in the 10th annual IU Health Days of Service. On September 7, 14 and 21, 450 IU Health team members from IU Health Ball, IU Health Blackford and IU Health Jay spent more than 1,100 collective hours working on projects. John Disher, community outreach manager for IU Health East Central Region and Ball Memorial Hospital Foundation served as an on-site facilitator for the activities. “The IU…