
IU Health to Ease Temporary Visitor Restrictions Starting June 15

By: IU Health— INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Starting June 15, Indiana University Health will begin relaxing some of the temporary visitor restrictions put in place at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic for all hospitals. The revised guidelines allow for one visitor per patient, per day in inpatient areas. Each visitor will be screened and given a mask, which must be worn at all times inside the facility. Additional visitor guidelines: Visitors must be 18 or older. Visitors will not be…

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Meridian Health Services: CEO Perspective on COVID-19

By: Hank Milius, President/CEO, Meridian Health Services— Muncie, IN—I heard a quote over the weekend which I believe is relevant for the COVID-19 challenge: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” —Winston Churchill As this crisis unfolded, we were stunned by the negative outcomes. Today I’m focusing on the progress taking place. In Indiana as of this writing, 42% of all ICU beds and 81% of the ventilators around are available….

Open Door Health Services COVID-19 Updates

By: Suzanne Clem— Muncie, IN—Open Door Health Services is committed to caring for the community safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following changes are in place to protect patients, staff, and the community. Visitor restrictions At this time, only the patient being seen may enter Open Door locations, with the following exceptions: • Minor children of a patient may accompany a patient if no adult is available to remain with them in a vehicle. • One direct caretaker or other…

IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Strives to Keep Patients Connected During COVID-19

By: Liz Yates— Muncie, IN—Even with strict visitor restrictions in place for the safety of the patients and the community, Indiana University Health is continuing to nurture patient’s desire to stay connected with their loved ones during their stay. Though that connectedness may look different right now, it holds the same importance as it always has. “The patient experience has always been important to us,” said Dawn Fluhler, director of experience design, IU Health Ball. “It has only become more so…

IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Receives Advanced Recertification for Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement from The Joint Commission

By: Liz Yates— Muncie, IN– Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital has been recertified by The Joint Commission for Advanced Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement. The advanced recertification is for Joint Commission-accredited hospitals, critical access hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers that have already undergone certification and have maintained the quality, consistency and safety of their services and patient care. On January 14thand 15th, 2020, IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital underwent a rigorous onsite review as Joint Commission experts re-evaluated our…

Meridian Awards Governor Eric Holcomb With Spirit of Meridian Award

By: Beth Clark— Muncie, IN—Governor Eric Holcomb is the recipient of Meridian Health Services’ 2020 Spirit of Meridian Award, a recognition that pays tribute to an individual who demonstrates proactive actions in promoting healthier communities. The annual recognition is awarded to someone who has contributed significantly to the overall health and well-being of people and somebody who goes above and beyond the call of duty. “We could think of no one who has had more impact in a just a…

Open Door Health Services Receives Regional Recognition

By: Suzanne Clem— Muncie, IN — Open Door Health Services has been named an “Exemplary Practice” by the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network (GLPTN). Supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the GLPTN guides healthcare providers in five Midwestern states in a shift to values-based care. This model of care focuses on improving clinical quality measures through a variety of patient-focused best practices. Exemplary Practices have demonstrated commitment to a patient-centered culture and continuous quality improvement, according…

IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Awards More Than $600,000 to Improve Children’s Health and Wellness

By: Courtney Thomas— Muncie, IN—Indiana University Health is delivering on its commitment to make Indiana a healthier state. With support from the IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital Foundation, the organization will invest $600,000 in grants that will address critical health issues affecting Hoosier children over the long term. “We are so honored to help support such deserving initiatives in our community,” said Jeff Bird, MD, president, IU Health East Central Region. “Ball State University’s College of Health and Second Harvest…

Dr. Greg Pyle: Growth, Development, and Your Child

By: Dr. Greg Pyle— Muncie, IN—Did you know that how your child breathes and feeds can affect his/her growth and development? It starts early, and we know that breast feeding is the first step in proper growth. “Pure breastfeeding for more than 6 months is positively associated with primary dental arch development in both anterior/posterior and lateral planes in primary dentition. Therefore, pure breastfeeding for more than 6 months is recommended, as it is associated with lower chance of the development…

IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital and Central Indiana Orthopedics Team Up with ‘TEAMHealth’

By: Liz Valpatic— Muncie, IN—IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital and Central Indiana Orthopedics (CIO) have enjoyed a great relationship for many years when it comes to orthopedic surgeries and care provided in our community. Due to the increasing demand for orthopedic services, IU Health Ball and CIO are excited to bring TEAMHealth, a nationwide network of highly skilled orthopedic surgeons, on board to provide the majority of orthopedic trauma care. “We are very excited about this collaborative effort between all…