
State Presents Delaware County Farms With Hoosier Homestead Awards 

By Amanda Schreiber— STATEHOUSE  – Indiana recently honored local farms owned and operated by the same family for at least 100 years with Hoosier Homestead awards, according to State Reps. J.D. Prescott (R-Union City) and Elizabeth Rowray (R-Yorktown), and State Sen. Scott Alexander (R-Muncie). “I admire the farming families who have fueled Indiana’s agricultural industry over the years,” Rowray said. “This award recognizes the dedication, hard work and generations of commitment these families have invested in maintaining their farms and…

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Buyer’s Market to Create Up to 60 New Jobs at Former Pepsi Building

By Michele Owen— MUNCIE, IN—For Moghees Sheikh, choosing Muncie as the first location of Buyer’s Market was mostly chance. “The opportunity opened up at the right time,” commented Sheikh about purchasing the former Macy’s building. Now, nearly 4 years later, the company is putting down more roots. “I uprooted my life to move to this community, and I’m not going anywhere. I keep telling my friends about Muncie,” the entrepreneur, formerly from Canada, explained. Buyer’s Market operates with a simple…

Rep. Sue Errington to Host Town Hall Meeting on High School Diploma Redesign Proposal

By Emily Reuben, Press Secretary— MUNCIE, IN—The Indiana Department of Education recently announced plans to significantly redesign Indiana’s high school diplomas solely as the “GPS Diploma” and “GPS Diploma Plus” starting with the Class of 2029 (this upcoming academic year’s eighth graders).  This would completely erase the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and the Core 40 with Technical Honors. The proposed changes would reduce requirements for math, science, history, foreign language and health coursework and would require job…

TWG, City, and Partners Break Ground for $27 Million Kilgore Place Apartments

By Michele Owen— MUNCIE, IN—In 2023, the City of Muncie was awarded a competitive Tax Credit program to help fund a 120-unit apartment complex on State Road 32, next to Silver Birch Apartments. The complex, which will be called Kilgore Place, will contain a mix of income-based and market rate units, along with a dog park and a variety of on-site services for residents. The developer is TWG, who also built Riverbend Flats on the east side. On Thursday, July…

Muncie Fire Station 6 Placement Finalized

By Michele Owen— MUNCIE, IN—Fire Station 6 is one of the most strategic stations in the City of Muncie. Due to the train tracks running parallel to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Station 6 is the only station that can serve Whitely and the East side of Muncie when a train is present. Station 6 is also in desperate need of repair, with numerous foundation, mold, and livability issues. The plans to replace Fire Station 6 have been discussed…

Errington Congratulates ‘Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship Awardees’

By Emily Reuben, Press Secretary— INDIANAPOLIS—In a recent release, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education announced that 300 student scholarships have been awarded through the 2024-2025 Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship. Each year, this scholarship is given to high-achieving high school and college students pursuing a career in education. The scholarship can be renewed for up to $10,000 annually for four academic years under the agreement that these students will teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school. For…

City Renews Funding for Muncie Community Schools ‘City Connects’ Program

By Michele Owen— MUNCIE, IN—For the past three years, Muncie Community Schools’ City Connects program has become an integral part of helping students succeed in school. As a result, the city of Muncie is renewing its financial commitment to the initiative, providing $100,000 for each of the next three years. The city’s investment will enable the school district to employ family navigators in six of its nine schools. Family navigators are the lynchpins of the program. They assess the strengths…

New Indiana Law Will Provide Necessary Relief to Parents and Child Care Workers

By State Representative Sue Errington— INDIANAPOLIS—Indiana is severely lacking in accessible, affordable child care options. Brighter Futures Indiana’s Data Center indicates that over 502,000 children in Indiana may be in need of child care. Despite the sheer amount of children needing service, providers can only meet 41% of this demand, leaving many parents scrambling to find facilities to accommodate their children. This issue is especially present in rural communities where child care deserts persist. In Delaware County, four county subdivisions…

City of Muncie Receives Over $266,000 to Expand Prairie Creek Trail

By Michele Owen— MUNCIE, IN—On Tuesday, April 30, the City of Muncie received notice of a $266,000 grant award from Indiana Trails Program to complete the third phase of trail expansions at Prairie Creek. This grant will allow the City and its partners to continue to fill the vision of a trail connecting the Cardinal Greenway to the North Shore Campground as detailed in the 2007 Prairie Creek Master Plan. The first two phases were completed in 2013 and 2016,…

Meridian Health Services to Provide Staff and Programming for Muncie Crisis Center

By Office of the Mayor, IU Health, and Meridian Health Services— MUNCIE, IN—The Muncie Crisis Center, which is currently in construction on the southwest side of town, will provide mental health and addiction services to individuals in crisis. Conceptually developed by a multi-disciplinary community team, the center is intended to provide a continuum of services for those in need including assessments for outpatient services and emergency care as needed, while reducing strain on the Emergency Room and Police Department. IU…