
Burris’ Stefanie Onieal Named Recipient of Ball Brothers Foundation’s Excellence in Teaching Award 

 By: Melissa Jones— Muncie, IN—Stefanie Onieal is not a teacher, she says. She’s a researcher.  “I’m a researcher of my students. I am researching what they know, what they can do, and I’m trying to take them to the next place, to where they need to go,” said Onieal, a second-grade teacher at Burris Laboratory School in Muncie. And it’s this unique approach and dedication to self-reflection that led to her being named the winner of this year’s Ball Brothers…

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The Community Foundation Announces 2020 Scholarship Recipients 

By: Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer— Muncie, IN—Congratulations to the following graduates – Edom Alemayehu, a senior at Burris Laboratory School, is a recipient of the Alice Miriam Kitselman Scholarship. Alemayehu plans to attend Ball State University to study biology and pre-med. She is the daughter of Zoide Awoke and Abebe Alemayehu. Sarah Bailey, a senior at Wes-Del Middle/High School, is a recipient of the Zach Greenwalt Scholarship. Bailey plans to attend Ivy Tech Community College to study psychology.  She is the daughter of Lisa Bailey and Michael Bailey. Ashlyn Craig, a senior at…

Principal Chris Walker: The NEW Normal at MCHS After COVID-19

By: Chris Walker, Principal at Muncie Central High School— Muncie, IN—Friday March 13, 2020 started out as a normal day at Muncie Central High School.  Normal until about 2:50 pm when I was on the public address system informing our students and staff that we would be conducting eLearning the following week and the week after Spring Break. As I outlined expectations for the next three weeks and gave instructions on items that needed to be taken home at dismissal,…

Ivy Tech Is Offering Free Tutoring

By: Jennifer Gasiorek— Does 5th grade math have you perplexed? Muncie, Ind—Ivy Tech Community College Muncie and Henry County Campus is offering free tutoring for students in all grade levels. Dr. Mia Johnson, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs was getting frustrated with trying to help with her son’s Math homework. “I bet many of our students, staff and community members may be facing the same struggle with their children being at home. Let’s face it, e-learning isn’t easy, and many parents…

In a Time of Crisis, Ivy Tech Guest Student Program Provides Much-Needed Option

By: Sue Ellspermann, Ph.D., President, Ivy Tech Community College— Indianapolis, IN—During the past month, I have been tremendously impressed by the ingenuity and responsiveness of America’s higher education professionals. With little notice, colleges and universities across the nation moved classes to virtual and online formats and found new ways to provide the services students depend upon as they pursue their educational journey. While I’m most proud of the efforts made by Ivy Tech Community College faculty and staff, it is…

Innovate WithIN™ To Host Virtual State Finals Pitching Competition On April 8th

By: Melissa Kraman— Muncie, IN — Innovate WithIN™ will host its annual state finals virtually with 10 teams of high school entrepreneurs pitching their products and services at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 8.  Innovate WithIN™ provides students across Indiana the chance to pitch their entrepreneurial ideas to experienced professionals for awards and scholarships. In response to COVID-19, the finalists — who advanced through two rounds of online and live pitching — will present virtually through Innovate WithIN™’s website.  All teams…

Qiana Clemens Joins Ivy Community College as Executive Director of Development

By: Jennifer Gasiorek— Muncie, IN—Ivy Tech Community College Muncie-Henry County campus has hired Qiana Clemens as the new executive director of development. Clemens, a life-long resident of Muncie has deep ties to the Muncie community. She started her career at the YMCA, and quickly learned that she had a passion for fund development.  In her most recent role as the chief operating officer of the Boys and Girls Club, she tapped into her leadership skills during the merger of the…

WIPB-TV Launches Daily At Home Learning Programs for Grades 6-12

By: Angie Rapp— Muncie, IN — Responding to the need for educational resources for students as schools close due to COVID-19, WIPB-TV, the PBS Member Station at Ball State University, in partnership with PBS LearningMedia, will begin broadcasting At Home Learning programs for grades 6-12 on Monday, March 30, weekdays from noon until 5 p.m. These daily free, over-the-air broadcasts featuring the best in public media science, history and other educational programming will be broadcast over-the-air on WIPB Channel 49.2 and on cable…

Ivy Tech Community College Announces New Dean of Nursing

By: Jennifer Gasiorek— Muncie, IN—Students returned from spring break with a new dean of nursing at the helm at Ivy Tech Community College, Muncie-Henry County campus.  Che’Reese Anderson has accepted the position of dean for the School of Nursing. Anderson has more than 20 years of experience and has been with Ivy Tech for 10 years.  Most recently, she was the nursing program chair for the Henry County site. “In-line with COVID-19 protocol, all of Ivy Tech’s courses are being taught…

Winchester Student Wins Back-To-Back WIPB Spelling Bees

By: Michelle Kinsey— Muncie, IN – For the second year in a row, Winchester student Andrew Toney has spelled his way to the top spot at the WIPB-TV Spelling Bee. After six rounds, Toney, an eighth-grade student at Lee L. Driver Middle School in Winchester, successfully spelled “binomial” to win the 2020 WIPB Spelling Bee Saturday morning. He was also the 2019 champion. Toney will now go on to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in May near Washington,…