
Ivy Tech Community College Announces New Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

By Jennifer Gasiorek— Muncie, IN—Emery Peck is the new Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the Ivy Tech Muncie-Henry County campus.  Peck has been with the college for 7 years in various roles. In his latest role, he played an integral part of Ivy Tech’s leadership as the Strategic Outcomes and Innovation Engineer. “Emery is strategic thinker. He is a thought leader and his passion in leading in this role is developing outcomes that lead to student success,” said Jeffrey…

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Northside Middle School Closes Temporarily

By Andy Klotz— Muncie, IN—Officials at Muncie Community Schools have decided to temporarily close Northside Middle School until next week in response to a recent uptick in positive COVID-19 test results at the school. Students will shift to e-learning, utilizing the district’s Schoology learning management system, for the rest of this week. In-person learning is expected to resume on Tuesday. “We wanted to be extra cautious here since we have seen a small increase in cases in a short period…

Scholarship Applications are Now Available

By Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer— Muncie, IN—Delaware County high school seniors and current college students can apply for scholarships now through March 1. The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County manages more than 50 scholarships. Scholarship awards totaling more than $200,000 benefit students each year. Students should visit THIS LINK to begin their application. WHO CAN APPLY? Requirements vary from scholarship to scholarship. Most scholarships offered are available for high school seniors in Delaware County, Ind. Some scholarships are…

ecoREHAB To Introduce FREE Skilled Trades Education Program (S.T.E.P.)

By Barbara Schafer— Muncie, IN—ecoREHAB is partnering with Eastern Indiana Works and Ball State University to provide training in the basic skills needed for a career in the construction industry. This FREE sixteen week program will be a combination of classroom and onsite training focused on carpentry, electrical, HVAC, masonry, and plumbing. Sessions will also be presented on proper workplace behavior and interview skills. The scheduled start date is January 19, 2021 and will take place in Muncie. While in the…

West View Elementary Teacher Named Outstanding Dual Language Teacher

By Andy Klotz— Muncie, IN – The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) has selected West View Elementary second grade teacher Kelsey Pavelka as an Outstanding Dual Language Teacher. She is one of just nine teachers in Indiana to receive the award. “I feel so fortunate to be recognized for doing the thing I love so much, teaching in a dual language immersion classroom,” Pavelka said. “I love the program’s mission and vision, and I’m proud to…

2021 Lilly Endowment Community Scholars Named

By Kallie Sulanke— Muncie, IN—The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, Samuel Coffman of Wapahani High School and Samuel Voss of Muncie Central High School. Lilly Endowment Community Scholars receive a four-year award that grants full tuition to any accredited public or private non-profit college or university in Indiana. The Lilly Scholarship also covers fees and provides an annual stipend for required books and equipment….

Muncie Community Schools Hires Former Sheriff Ray Dudley as New Security Chief

By Andy Klotz— Muncie, IN—The Muncie Community Schools (MCS) Board of Trustees has named former Delaware County Sheriff Ray Dudley its new chief of security. He will replace longtime Security Chief Chuck Hensley who is retiring at the end of the month. Dudley served as sheriff from 2015 to 2018 where he managed operations for the 220-inmate jail and law enforcement operations throughout Delaware County. He was responsible for the department’s $10 million budget and security for five Circuit courts,…

MCS Teachers Access Professional Development Through Funds From Community Foundation

By Kallie Sulanke— Muncie, Ind.—The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County awarded $235,126 to Muncie Community Schools through the Successful Schools Fund in 2019 and 2020. Teachers and administrators across the school system accessed various professional development through this funding, including direct training in specialized teaching methods and access to online subscription training services. The Board of Directors of The Community Foundation established the Successful Schools Fund in May 2018 following the Indiana Legislature’s landmark decision to give Ball…

Ball State, Ivy Tech Expand Business Options for Transfer Students

By Ball State Marketing and Communications— Muncie, IN—Students studying business at Ivy Tech Community College now have more options when they transfer to Ball State University as a result of a new agreement between the institutions. Ivy Tech graduates in business administration may transfer directly into 11 business majors offered by Ball State’s Miller College of Business under a Guaranteed Admission Agreement. “We have created a seamless process for students from Ivy Tech to find a home in the Miller…

COVID-19 Case Closes Southside Middle School Until After Thanksgiving

By Andy Klotz— Muncie, IN– Due to a positive case of COVID-19 that has affected the entire front office staff and administration at Southside Middle School, the school will close immediately and not reopen until after the Thanksgiving break. Students will shift to e-learning by utilizing the district’s Schoology learning management system with live lessons taking place each period. A staff member received the positive test result Tuesday evening. After contact tracing, it was determined that the entire front office staff and…