Lower Your Risk of a Heart Attack With a $49 Heart Scan

Get a heart scan for $49 at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital.Get a heart scan for $49 at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital.

By: Ball Memorial Hospital—

Muncie, IN—Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States? Did you know that every year about 1.1 million people in the United States have heart attacks? Early detection and knowing the symptoms play important roles in heart attack prevention. Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital offers a $49 heart scan to give you peace of mind, keeping you happy and healthy.

Most people associate a heart attack with chest pressure or pain down one or both arms. These are only two of the many symptoms. Nausea; shortness of breath; back pain; anxiety; fatigue; jaw pain and feeling full are also early symptoms of a heart attack. These warning signs can begin two weeks before an actual heart attack occurs. Eighty-five percent of heart damage occurs within the first two hours of a heart attack so, if you experience these symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

Staying healthy is a big part of heart attack prevention. Eating healthy, staying active and avoiding smoking are common ways to do this. Controlling your cholesterol, managing your blood pressure, watching your blood sugar and taking medications as they are prescribed are also great ways to prevent causes of a heart attack.

Early detection of complications can also be discovered through a heart scan. The results of the $49 heart scan are read by board-certified radiologists at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital. A heart scan is a computed tomography (CT) scan that measures the amount of “calcified” or “hardened” plaque inside your coronary arteries. A rapid series of images inside your heart and blood vessels will be used to help determine if you have any early warnings for heart disease.

If you are 40-79 years of age with any of the following risk factors, you should consult with your primary care physician to determine if a heart scan is right for you:

  • Family history of heart disease, stroke and/or other vascular disease
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure

The $49 heart scan is a quick, easy and very affordable procedure. The heart scan takes a short 30 minutes with same-day preliminary results. If you would like to schedule a heart scan, please call 765.751.2727, 800.265.3220 or visit


See how a $49 heart scan made all the difference.

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