Editor’s Note: Another public forum has been added. It will be held Monday, May 23, at 7pm in Assembly Hall in the Ball State University Alumni Center, 2800 W. Bethel Ave in Muncie.
MUNCIE, Ind. — The Ball State Board of Trustees today announced initial steps in the search for a new university president.
Board Chair Rick Hall said the campus community, alumni and the public are invited to attend any of a series of open forums to provide input on areas of emphasis for the new president. The forums will be conducted the week of April 18, and specific times and locations will be announced soon.
Trustee Matt Momper will chair the presidential search committee, which will include representatives from faculty, students, administration, staff and alumni. The representatives will be chosen in the weeks to come. The university also plans to engage a search consultant to assist in the identification and recruitment of the strongest possible candidates, Hall said.
In keeping with best practice at other state universities, the search will remain confidential in order to attract the best candidates.
“The successful presidential candidate will be an outstanding leader whose skills and vision will enable us to build on our solid foundation and entrepreneurial culture and advance the university,” Momper said. “We look forward to receiving input from the campus and public through the open forums.”
In other business, the board approved the university’s participation in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Broadcast Incentive Auction, or spectrum auction.
“The decision to participate keeps the university involved in the process on the condition that the best interests of Ball State must be served,” said Terry King, acting president.