By Kallie Sulanke—
Muncie, IN—The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. awarded $186,384 to 10 nonprofit organizations during the second Quarterly Competitive Grant cycle of 2021.
The Community Foundation’s purpose is to improve the quality of life in Muncie and Delaware County for this generation and generations to come. Quarterly Competitive Grants fund projects for which there is a demonstrable community benefit in one of the following areas of interest: arts and culture, human services, economic development, education, and community betterment.
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. is a publicly supported philanthropic institution governed by a volunteer board of local citizens. The Foundation manages contributions donated by individuals, businesses, and corporations as a permanent community endowment. Grants to nonprofits from these funds benefit the community. More than $57 million has been awarded to enrich the lives of Muncie and Delaware County residents.
Ambassadors for God’s Creatures received $5,000 (from the Ellen Lacey Fund for Companion Animals) to address the pet overpopulation in Delaware County by offering financial assistance for spay and neuter services to low-income pet owners.
American Legion Post 19 received $24,089 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Louisa and Waldo Beebe Unrestricted Endowment Fund, Jane Harrell Buckles Fund, Pam and Gordon Cox Fund, and John and Janice Fisher Quality of Place Endowment Fund) to bring the restrooms in the facility up-to-code and handicap accessible.
East Central Indiana Regional Partnership, Inc. received $5,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation) to market the 10-county East Central Indiana region, including Muncie and Delaware County, for new business investment and talent attractions.
Indiana Youth Institute received $4,795 (from the Francis Lafferty Fund, Jeff and Beth Lang Fund, John and Katherine Littler Fund, and MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund) to provide professional development and networking opportunities to youth-serving professionals in Delaware County.
Little Red Door Cancer Agency received $12,500 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Linda and Connie Gregory Fund, Julian and Suzanne Gresham Fund, Michael O. and Nicole T. Lunsford Fund, and Jeanne and John Smith Fund) to provide nutrition supplements to cancer patients in our community.
Minnetrista received $30,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Ball Corporation Community Betterment Fund, KAKATU Foundation/David and JoAnna Meeks Fund, Mid-West Metal Products Fund, Jon and Barbara Moll Fund, Ontario Systems – Wil Davis and Ron Fauquher Fund, Robert and Janet Stratton Fund, and Charles and Claudia Sursa Unrestricted Named Endowment Fund) to expand the Bob Ross Experience exhibit.
Motivate Our Minds received $25,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Gary Addison Fund, MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund, Gary and Amy Thomas Fund, and Faye Wingate Fund) to provide after-school academic enrichment programs and summer literacy programs to 175 children in Muncie and Delaware County.
Muncie Land Bank received $25,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund, and Shafer/Muncie Power Products Legacy Fund) to offset costs associated with acquiring and maintaining vacant, abandoned, and blighted properties in the City of Muncie for public and private development.
TeenWorks, Inc. received $25,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Jane E. Hughes Fund, Laura Stanley Keppler Fund, Jim and Mary Rosema Fund, Daniel and Catharine Stewart Fund, Wayne E. and Carolyn K. Thomas Fund) to support the wages of 75 teens in a summer program that provides paid work experience, professional development, life skills training, and career and college exploration.
YMCA of Muncie received $30,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Stefan and Joan Anderson Unrestricted Fund, Bassett Family Fund, and David and Mary Jane Sursa Fund) to provide summer day camp programming for elementary-aged children that focuses on learning loss and reducing the achievement gap suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.