Muncie Public Library Closed Yet Still Providing Service During COVID-19 Pandemic

Online story time with Kelly Batchelor, Youth Services employee at MPL. Photo provided by MPLOnline story time with Kelly Batchelor, Youth Services employee at MPL. Photo provided by MPL

By: Susan Fisher—

Muncie, IN—All Muncie Public Library branches are closed and all events, programs, and meeting room events are cancelled until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Customers are urged to use the online resources available at the MPL website.

Online resources include hoopla and overdrive, two services that provide ebooks, movies, and music. These services require a library card but people can “try out” hoopla without a library card and download up to 3 items. Other databases that assist in genealogy research and non-profit grant research have also opened access to their information. Visit the library website for more information about all of these.

Online story times are uploaded to the library’s YouTube channel, so young childrean can still enjoy hearing their favorite story time books and songs.

To help students who are studying online, the Inspire database available at the library website now has full text articles available during the COVID-19 crisis. Previously, Inspire had a mix of restricted access and full access to academic articles, but now all articles can be viewed to help with studying and research.

MPL is also very excited to be a recent recipient of a Ball Brothers Foundation Rapid Grant to help deal with COVID-19. MPL will purchase more than 40 internet hotspots that will be given to the students in our Great Achievers After School program. This means these students and their families can use the internet from their homes for e-learning and other resources at no cost. It’s so important that these young students don’t fall behind during the COVID-19 crisis. The library will be reaching out to these families as soon as the devices are ready.

The public may also be interested to know that free Wi-Fi is on at all MPL branches daily from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. and the signal strength allows access from the branch parking lots. Because of social distancing guidelines, MPL does not encourage pedestrians to congregate around the buildings without practicing safe social distancing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a library card online? We’re sorry but we don’t have the capability to do that. However, people without a card can still explore the library website, as many of the online resource do not require a card.

How do I access my account on the library website? Your account login is the number on your library card and the PIN is the last four digits of the phone number you provided when you signed up for a card. For student cards the account login is the number on the card and the PIN is the student’s birthday entered as the monthdayyear with no spaces or dashes.

What about due dates and card expiration dates? All due dates on checked out materials owned by MPL have been extended until May 19, 2020.

Due dates for items that are part of the shared library catalog owned by Muncie Community Schools & Motivate Our Minds have been extended until May 2.

Any library cards set to expire between April 14 and May 18, 2020 have had their expiration dates updated to May 19, 2020.

Even though MPL is closed until further notice, we  remain committed to our mission of providing access to information for all members of our community. Please reach out to MPL through our facebook page or by calling (765) 747-8200 to leave a message and a library employee will return the call.

MPL encourages everyone to follow CDC and local health guidelines during the COVID-19 crisis and to stay safe and healthy. The library website is available at