‘Letters To Veterans’ From Area Students. Today’s Letter Written By: Abby Adams

Historical photo courtesy of The Delaware County Veterans Affairs Office.Historical photo courtesy of The Delaware County Veterans Affairs Office.

By: Mike Rhodes—

Muncie, IN—Each year, November is designated as National Veterans and Military Families Month. Each weekday during the month of November, MuncieJournal.com will be publishing Letters To Veterans, written by local area students. We will publish one new letter each weekday through November 29th. Feature photos that accompany each letter were provided by the  Delaware County Veterans Affairs Office. This week’s Letters to Veterans sponsor is Art Van Furniture. A special message from our sponsor follows today’s student letter from Wapahani High School.


“Art Van Furniture is proud to sponsor these letters that truly exhibit our gratitude to all veterans. God bless them all and thank you.”








Art Van Furniture
4701 N. Wheeling Ave
Muncie, Indiana 47304
phone: (765) 254-1893
Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/ArtVanFurnitureMuncie/