Meet Jonathan Lamb, Republican 6th District US House of Representatives Congressional Candidate

Jonathan Lamb, Republican 6th District US House of Representatives Congressional Candidate. Photo provided.Jonathan Lamb, Republican 6th District US House of Representatives Congressional Candidate. Photo provided.

By: Jonathan Lamb—

I am Jonathan Lamb, and I am an eighth generation Hoosier. I was born and raised right here in Delaware County. My wife, Mollee, and I live in Mt. Pleasant Township with our 4 year old and 8 year old boys. I am a graduate of Yorktown High School and I hold degrees in Economics and Risk Management from the Miller College of Business at Ball State University. I also have an MBA from North Carolina State University.

Mollee has an elementary education degree from Ball State and taught 4th grade while I ran a multi-billion-dollar energy trading portfolio in Raleigh, North Carolina, before we became small business owners.  With a diverse background across many industries, we have owned a construction company, a childcare franchise, a wholesale distribution company, a plumbing company, a textile company, and we currently run an economic consulting firm and recently started an agriculture technology company here in Muncie.

The Lamb family. Photo provided.

The Lamb family. (L-R) Jonathan Lamb, Dash Lamb, Mollee Lamb and Owen Lamb

For generations, our families have been farmers, workers, and business owner’s right here in the 6th District. Mollee’s family was awarded a Hoosier Homestead Award for the Rush County family farm that they settled in 1837. Like our ancestors, I want a better future for our children, so I have decided to do something about it, and I am running to fill Rep. Luke Messer’s seat now that he is running for US Senate.

America needs common-sense Hoosier values to lead America through hard choices that our “leadership” in Washington has been unable to provide. We need to grow our economy by getting government out of our daily lives. That means fewer regulations that are strangling businesses. It means fewer taxes, not more. And it means having leaders in Congress who will put forward pro-growth policies that harness the power of the American worker, not polices that only make our government bigger and more intrusive.

One of my biggest frustrations as a small business owner is the rising cost of health insurance. Obamacare is truly a disaster, and the lack of solutions to repeal, replace, and fix Obamacare is one of the many reasons I am running for Congress. I pledge to all Hoosiers and Americans that I will work tirelessly to lower the cost of healthcare and lower the cost of health insurance.

We Hoosiers cannot let bad trade policy hurt our agriculture interests and global manufacturing industry. We must have fair, free trade so our farmers and factories can compete freely and trade with the world.

We must put forth pro-growth economic policy that encourages entrepreneurial growth. America cannot spend herself out of problems. It is the job of the federal government to put forward a fair tax policy that provides national security, education, and laws that create opportunity for Americans.  I will fight for limited government and pledge to work to grow our economy.

I believe that we can make American great again. I will work to return opportunities to Hoosiers and make Indiana and America great for our children and the generations to come. The people of Indiana, and the United States, don’t need promises from politicians. America needs solutions, and I will work to solve problems, not create more.



The Muncie Journal provides political candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves.  The Muncie Journal does not endorse this or other candidates and is not responsible for the content of the candidate’s statement.