City of Muncie Takes a Significant Step Toward Expanding Language Access for All Residents

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By Amber Greene—

MUNCIE, IN— Indiana’s language-access efforts continue to make strides, and now, another municipality is leading the way in improving access for its growing non-English-speaking population: Muncie, East Central Indiana’s largest city.

On Monday, Muncie Mayor Dan Ridenour and Language Matters CEO Lucas Fonseca joined city department heads to officially announce the launch of Muncie’s language-access study. This study will utilize Language Matters’ proven city-wide model to gather valuable input from non-English-speaking residents, community organizations, and city departments. The goal is to better understand Muncie’s language-related needs and collect feedback from all constituents, ensuring that future language-access initiatives and infrastructure are built on solid data and can effectively serve everyone.

“We’re excited to partner with Language Matters on this important initiative,” said Mayor Ridenour. “Ensuring all of Muncie’s residents have access to city services and can fully participate in community life is essential for the growth and success of our city. This partnership will help us better understand the diverse needs of our population and make informed decisions that will enhance quality of life for everyone in Muncie.”

This project, which will benefit all of Muncie’s residents, is made possible through Mayor Ridenour’s leadership and ongoing commitment to Muncie’s growth and inclusivity. The city extends its gratitude to Mayor Ridenour and the Muncie city staff for their continued support and enthusiasm as the language-access study begins.

“I am truly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Mayor Ridenour, the City of Muncie, and local leaders to create lasting infrastructure that improves access for all residents,” said Lucas Fonseca, CEO of Language Matters.

For more information on language-access progress in Indiana or to learn more about the study, connect with the Language Matters team at


Amber Greene is Communications Director for the City of Muncie.