Local League of Women Voters Offers Voters Information About Candidates Via VOTE411

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By Sheryl Swingley—

MUNCIE, IN—The League of Women Voters of Muncie-Delaware County now offers Delaware County residents an easy way to educate themselves about candidates running for office by way of an award-winning website called VOTE411.org.

VOTE411.org is dedicated to election information and created and sponsored by the League of Women Voters Educational Fund.

Another purpose of the site is to register citizens to vote. The deadline to register to vote this election season is Monday, Oct. 7. Citizens can check to see if they are registered at VOTE411.org. If they are not registered to vote, they can register to vote at VOTE411.org.

The way the VOT411.org site works is that the League of Women Voters of Muncie-Delaware County invites local candidates to upload information they want voters to know. The information is then posted just as the candidate submits it.

If no information exists for a candidate, it means the candidate did not respond to the League’s multiple requests for information.

Linda Hanson, president of the Indiana League of Women Voters and the spokesperson for the local Muncie-Delaware County League, suggested that if a citizen finds a candidate has not provided the League with information for the VOTE411.org site, that the citizen contact the candidate and ask that he or she provide the League with the requested information.

“Supporting the VOTE411.org website is the Muncie-Delaware County’s League’s way of continuing its commitment to empowering voters and making democracy work for all Delaware County and Indiana residents,” Hanson said. “We hope it helps area citizens to prepare to vote confidently – particularly in local and state elections.”

Hanson added, “I would like to emphasize that any information on VOTE411.org runs exactly as submitted by the candidate. We do not edit the candidate’s information in any way.”

Because there must be a local league to organize local candidate information for VOTE411.org, not all counties might have candidate information posted.

Other information that can be found on VOTE411.org includes user-friendly tools, such as a personalized polling place locator, register-to-vote resources, and state-specific election rules.

Citizens who are 16 years or older also can sign up to be poll workers via VOTE411.org.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots, public policy and educational organization. It encourages informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. It does not support or oppose any political party or candidate.

The League of Women Voters Education Fund and local leagues work to register and inform voters through the election resources of VOTE411.org and candidate forums.

People of all different governing beliefs are eligible to join local chapters of the League of Women Voters. No invitation is needed. To join the Muncie-Delaware County League, go to this site.