2023 VIVA Award Nominations Are Now Open. Nominate Someone!

Winners from the 2022 Viva Awards are pictured. L-R: Dr. Julie Holland, Julie Mason, Keith Doudt, Joetta Teague, Charlotte McKnight. Not pictured: Debra Rolli. Photo by Angie Rogers-HowellWinners from the 2022 Viva Awards are pictured. L-R: Dr. Julie Holland, Julie Mason, Keith Doudt, Joetta Teague, Charlotte McKnight. Not pictured: Debra Rolli. Photo by Angie Rogers-Howell

By Robert G. La France—

MUNCIE, IN —The V!VA Awards were developed as a gift to the community in 1993 by the Muncie Rotary Club and Sunrise Rotary Club to recognize Delaware County’s proud volunteer heritage. The awards were named V!VA for Very Important Volunteer Award.

Up to five individuals will be recognized with the traditional V!VA Award for their volunteer efforts to the community within the past 12 months. In addition, The Edmund F. Ball Lifetime Achievement Award will be given for outstanding long-term lifetime volunteer commitment. Each V!VA Award Recipient will receive a plaque and public recognition for their efforts at an awards luncheon scheduled for April 11, 2023, at the Horizon Convention Center.

Nominate a Very Important Volunteer TODAY!


Nominees must live or work in Delaware County, or the impact of his/her volunteer service must be felt in Delaware County.

Nominees must provide the volunteer service without expectation of financial remuneration, although reimbursement of expenses will not disqualify a nominee. Nomination of student volunteers is encouraged.

Except for the Lifetime Achievement Award, nominees must have rendered volunteer services within the last 24 months (no carry over from years previous). Lifetime achievement award nominations will be carried over for 3 years. Nomination forms for the V!VA Award must be typed.

To Nominate a Volunteer

The nomination form should include names of organizations and/or individuals that benefited from the nominee’s volunteer efforts. Using specific examples of volunteer service, demonstrate the nominee’s commitment to volunteer activities within the last year or lifetime, depending on category selected.

  • Why is the nominee worthy of this special recognition beyond other equally qualified volunteers?
  • What type of impact did the nominee have on individuals and/or organizations within the last year?
  • How would those individuals and/or organizations have been impacted had the nominee not provided dedicated leadership?

To nominate a volunteer, use the form on our website (https://www.muncierotary.org/viva-awards.php) or download the MS WORD document from the www.muncierotary.org website.

Nominators will be notified by March 24, 2023, if their nominee is selected.

Selection Process

A Selection Committee consisting of Rotarians and possibly former V!VA Award winners will review all nominations, and select up to five regular V!VA Award Winners and one Lifetime Achievement Award Winner.

All V!VA Award winners will be announced on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at the V!VA Award Luncheon at the Horizon Convention Center (noon – 1:30pm), which is generously sponsored by PrimeTrust Federal Credit Union.

For more information, visit: https://www.muncierotary.org/viva-awards.php