Memorabilia Room to Be Open for Attendees of City of Champions Tournament

Muncie Fieldhouse photo courtesy of 104.1 HD1 WLBC.Muncie Fieldhouse photo courtesy of 104.1 HD1 WLBC.

By Sheryl Swingley—

MUNCIE, IN—The Muncie Central High School Alumni Association’s Memorabilia Room will be open to people attending boys City of Champions tournament basketball games at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28.

The Memorabilia Room is located in the southeast corner of the Muncie Fieldhouse.

Muncie Central graduation classes organizing reunions and interested in including a visit to the Alumni Association’s Memorabilia Room as part of their activities are welcome to contact Charlotte Shepperd,, or Nora Niccum,, to make arrangements.

The Muncie Central Alumni Association supports its Memorabilia Room, awards program, student scholarships and student assistance program, as well as teacher grants, through memberships and donations to the association.

Membership forms for Muncie Central alumni and non-alumni interested in supporting Muncie Central are available from Membership forms and donations may be mailed to Muncie Central Alumni Association, 6604 W. Talamore Court, Yorktown, IN 47396. Checks should be made payable to MCHS Alumni Association.

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