By Kate Stoss—
Muncie, IN – The Muncie Rotary Club celebrated the transition to the new for the 2021-2022 Rotary year on June 29, 2021. Ana Pichardo, retiring 2020-2021 President of the Muncie Rotary Club, presided over the installation ceremonies of the new club officers and praised the club members for their continued commitment in upholding the mission and values of Rotary.
2021-2022 Muncie Rotary Club Officers
President: Kate Stoss
President Elect: Matt Howell
Immediate Past President: Ana Pichardo
Secretary: Robert LaFrance
Treasurer: Linda S. Gregory
“I am honored to serve as the Muncie Rotary Club President,” stated Kate Stoss. “Our officers and board members are placing a renewed focus on civic engagement, developing relationships, and programming emphasizing the many positive efforts being made in Muncie and Delaware County.”

Sherry Riggin (right), recipient of the 2021 Merrill Greene award, with Merrill Greene (left).
In addition, Ana Pichardo awarded Sherry Riggin with the 2021 Merrill Greene Award. The award honors Merrill Greene, CPA, long-time Muncie Rotarian and volunteer who served as Club treasurer for over two decades. The award recognizes a member for their outstanding volunteer efforts for the Club and the community. Riggin spearheaded a number of service events over the past year and her personal leadership was invaluable to the club.
The Muncie Rotary Club, affiliated with the global service organization Rotary International, was founded in 1917 by a group of local business executives, professionals and community leaders. Muncie Rotary is a catalyst for community leadership, professional development, friendships, service and international understanding. The Club meets on Tuesdays at noon at Minnetrista for lunch, networking, a business meeting and a feature program.
For more information visit the Club website or Muncie Rotary Club on Facebook.