Key Partners to Combine Forces for Virtual Community Political Candidate Forum Series

Aerial of Muncie City Hall in downtown Muncie. Photo by Mike Rhodes.Aerial of Muncie City Hall in downtown Muncie. Photo by Mike Rhodes.

By Aimee West, Community Candidate Forum Series Committee—

Muncie, IN—Times are hard; the electoral politics of 2020 are confusing; but staying connected to leadership and the issues which impact you the most in our community does not have to be.

While our country is experiencing challenges and divisions we have never before faced as a nation, we have an opportunity to come together as a community to learn about the leaders asking for your vote in November.

COVID-19 continues to be a barrier for citizens to safely convene and candidates to campaign, which is why key partners have combined forces to materialize the Community Candidate Forum Series, a series of virtual forums which will serve as the sole opportunity for candidates running for local, state and federal office to publicly address their constituents and answer moderated questions alongside their respective opponents for Election 2020.

Each virtual forum will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing technology, broadcast on the radio by Woof Boom Radio on 104.1 HD1 WLBC, and live streamed on Facebook.

All community members and parties of Delaware County and Congressional District 6 are encouraged to participate in the virtual local, state, and federal candidate forums sponsored by: Bowen Center for Public Affairs, Ball State University, Citizens of Delaware County for Good Government, League of Women Voters of Muncie-Delaware County, Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, Muncie Action Plan, Muncie Resists, NAACP- Muncie Branch, and Shafer Leadership Academy.

The Community Candidate Forum Series team includes representatives spanning a broad spectrum of civic-engagement organizations and perspectives and has invited every candidate from every party running for local, state, and federal office, to participate in their respective forums.

All forums will be moderated by Dr. Chip Taylor of Bowen Center for Public Affairs, who underscores that every election is important, but with the number of contested seats in local races during a presidential election year, the 2020 election has the potential to be a pivotal event for our community.“

As of this writing, the list of candidates who have confirmed their participation in their respective forums is as follows:

Delaware County Commissioner:

Sherry Riggin (R)

Todd Donati (D)

Delaware County Council:

Ryan Webb (R) Ralph Dowling (D) Ari Hurwitz (D)

State Representative District 33:

Julie Snider (D)

State Representative District 34:

Sue Errington (D)

State Representative District 35:

Melanie Wright (D)

6th Congressional District

Jeannine Lee Lake (D)

The team continues to encourage and advocate for full participation of all candidates representing every party in the following forums:   

Delaware County Commissioner Candidates
September 15th, 7-8 pm

Delaware County Council Candidates
September 16th, 7-8:30 pm

District 34 State Representative Candidates
Tuesday, September 22, 6:30-7:30 pm

District 33 State Representative Candidates
Tuesday, September 22, 7:45-8:45 pm

District 35 State Representative Candidates
Thursday, September 24, 6:30-7:30 pm

District 32 State Representative Candidates
Thursday, September 24, 7:45-8:45 pm

6th District Congressional Candidates
September 30th, 7-8 pm

Additional election resources for District 6 and Delaware County voters

The Covid-19 pandemic has presented many questions about voting and Election Day.

The links below will help you register to vote, check on voter registration status, request an absentee ballot, and learn how and where to safely vote.

Voter Turnout in Delaware County and the 6th District

In 2016, our last general election, voter turnout in Delaware County was 51%, and the median voter turnout in  District 6’s 19 counties was 53% which means roughly half of the registered voters in Delaware County and communities across the 6th district did not vote in the last general election.

“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” -Thomas Jefferson

Healthy voting tips:
Find healthy, secure, and safe ways to cast your ballot this year.

Official Indiana Voter Portal:
Get details and deadlines for voting in your area

Personalized voting information:
Check Your Voter Registration, see what’s on your ballot, find candidate and ballot measure information (after September 15), discover upcoming debates in your area, find your polling place, and get COVID-19 (Coronavirus) State Election Alerts


Vote. Your community depends on it.

Learn more, stay informed and submit Community Candidate Forum Series questions; visit: