By Jennifer Gasiorek—
Muncie, IN—The year 2020 has forced people to change their routines. This pandemic has caused layoffs, shutdowns, business closures, school closings and illnesses leaving many people to pose the question: “what do I do now?”
For Breana McIntosh that question was answered: go back to school and get a degree. The challenges she faced to get there were tough and the roadblocks many. She was determined and did not give up. When Breana graduated high school, she decided to go straight to Ivy Tech Community College. She had no idea what she wanted a degree in or what college was all about. She simply knew she needed to go. She felt overwhelmed, but knew she didn’t want to give up.
After a few years and getting her life in balance she decided she would like to finish what she started. She began to remove financial barriers and, with a lot of work and help from her employer’s tuition reimbursement plan, she made it.

Breana McIntosh. Photo provided
“Ivy Tech has given me a second chance,” said Breana. “I love the new 8-week format because I can take four classes a semester and only have to concentrate on two at a time. I love the flexibility of the classes and my work schedule.”
Ivy Tech’s degree programs allow students to stack certifications. “I earn certifications when I finish some of the classes,” Breana said, “This is the secret to the success that really keeps pushing me forward.”
Her goal is to keep moving forward until she obtains her MBA. “I would like to have my MBA by the time I am 30,” Breanna added.
Breana had the support of her family as she attended. “I watched my mom working and raising the family to earn a degree,” she said. “My grandparents have encouraged me to keep going and now I know I have a better grip on life.”
“My faith has grown since I have something to look forward to,” she said “it really helps a lot telling myself it is not how you start but how you finish.”
Breana works hard keeping a good balance between work, school and church and adjusts them to maintain that balance as she returns to school. “My main goal in life is to be the best version of myself,” said Breana.
Breana removed her barriers, utilized her employer’s tuition reimbursement plan and is excited to pursue her next chapter. Ivy Tech has scholarships and grants that can help anyone take the first step to obtain their college degree. To apply go to Fall class options are still available and begin in October. If you have questions email