By: Maelyn Hobbs—
Selma, IN — Wapahani High School’s RADD club (Raiders Against Destructive Decisions) hosted its annual flag football game on Tuesday but with a new twist. RADD club had its usual student game, but it also invited along members of the Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Department and the Muncie Police Department for a special first-responders match-up.
Wapahani RADD hosted its annual flag football game to raise awareness and funds for its student organization. RADD is a club at Wapahani that teaches teenagers how to make the right decisions throughout life. It discourages the use of alcohol, drugs and other activities that could be detrimental to teens.
At Tuesday’s event, the student class parings were the freshman vs. juniors and sophomores vs. seniors in the first round. The winners of those games, juniors and seniors, then played each other. After some fierce competition, the WHS junior class won the student bracket.
Next came a “friendly” face-off between members of the Liberty Township Volunteer Fire and the Muncie Police Department. The idea for this match-up between local first-responders was that of the RADD members who thought it would be an opportunity for community involvement. There was a little competitive ribbing, some innocent trash talking, and a lot of laughs and fun.
The MPD team won the round and then faced the junior class winning team.
After a close game, the junior class came out on top by a touchdown.
Along with the game, there was food, a raffle, and music. Muncie police brought out some of its SWAT gear and conducted a K-9 demonstration for the crowd. There was also a photo booth provided by Wapahani alumni Kyla Tighe of Kyla Jo Photography.
There was a good turn out and everyone seemed to have a great evening. Several people from the public also attended. For a non-football school, this event scored a touchdown as many of the students look forward to making it even bigger and better next year.

A Muncie Police officer takes a “bite” from an MPD K-9 during a demonstration for students at Wapahani High School’s flag football game Tuesday night. Photo by: Emma Stanley
Maelyn Hobbs is a sophomore at Wapahani High School.
Franki Zile is a Wapahani High School English teacher and yearbook adviser.