By: Amy Logan—
Muncie, IN—The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie would like to thank the many people that made the 4th Annual Just Desserts a huge success. This year’s event received 30 dessert donations from incredible local bakers. Attendees battled it out for their favorite dessert and raised over $26,000 to help support the quality programs the Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie are able to offer to its members. Brian Osner with HIS Auto Parts was the winning bid at over $2,000 and selected the cake made by Charmed Cupcakes.
The 4thAnnual Just Desserts took place on October 3 in the Ivy Tech Ballroom located in the newly renovated Fisher Building in Downtown Muncie. Over 125 community members gathered to raise money to help support the mission of the Clubs. Over the last year more programs like dance, robotics, cooking, and music have been added to the list of activities Club Kids can participate in for no additional cost beyond their annual membership. Each Club kid is able to join all five local Clubs for only $15 per year. It costs approximately $4,000 per year per child for the Clubs to operate. The difference is made up with fundraisers and community support such as this event.
This year’s emcee was Club Board Member, and Parent, Stephanie Johnson. Johnson and her family actively support the Clubs through fundraising, board leadership, and volunteering. Also on stage were members of the Boys & Girls Club Dance team, Kadence and Jayla . They performed to the song Rainbow from the Leap soundtrack.

Members of the Boys & Girls Club Dance Team, Kadence and Jayla, performed a dance to the soundtrack from the movie Leap at the 4th annual Just Dessert Fundraiser on October 3, 2019. Photo provided
Thanks to our gracious sponsors for this event. Like helping youth reach their full potential, an event of this caliber takes many supporters. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie would like to extend a big thanks to our Presenting Sponsor, Old National Bank.
This event would not be possible without the donations from our local chefs and event sponsors listed below:
Amazing Joes
Angela Erwin
Pete’s Bar and Grill
Elm Street Brewery
Horizon Convention Center
Ivy Tech Culinary School
Once Upon A Plate Catering
Sea Salt & Cinnamon
Simply Patisserie
Tipsy Turvey Pubcakes
Under the Sun Bakery
Vera Maes
Richelle Rahe
Avalon Hampton
The Caffeinery
Cake Bake
Charmed Cupcakes
Queer Chocolatier
Rachel Cox
Event Sponsors
IU Health Ball Memorial
Ada Rose Designs
HIS German Auto Parts
Kramer Real Estate Group
Dan Ridenour for Mayor
Terry Bailey for Mayor
Delk McNally LLP
Westminster Village
Our many table hosts for the evening
If you were unable to attend this year’s Just Desserts it is not too late to support the Clubs’ efforts in providing a place in our community to guide today’s youth into adults in our community. Save the date for our annual Great Futures Dinner on January 16.
For updates on this event and future programming follow the Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie on Facebook or visit their website for more information.