By: Amy Logan—
Muncie, Indiana—The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie is looking for nominations from the public for the Boys & Girls Club Legacy Award and the Roy C. Buley Heritage Award. Nominations are due December 14 and the award will be presented to the recipient at the Great Futures Dinner on January 24.
The Boys & Girls Club Legacy Award will be given to a member of the community who has overcome a significant obstacle in their life and continues to give back to the community. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie’s mission is to “inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential, as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.” There are many people within the community that uphold The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie’s mission and the Clubs would like to recognize the impact those people have on the youth in our city.
The Roy C. Buley Heritage Award will be given to a member of the Muncie and Delaware Community who have made significant contributions in the areas of race relations, justice, human rights, and youth mentorship. The nominee must be a Delaware County resident, business, or advocacy group with at least one year of service to the community.
Nominations for each award will be considered by a group of leaders from the Muncie and Delaware County communities. To submit your nomination, send your nomination with details from below to the Madison Street Clubhouse located at 1710 S. Madison St., P.O. Box 820, Muncie, IN 47302.
Person or Organization being Nominated
Nominee Name *
Nominee Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Nominee Phone *
Nominee Email