By: Mike Rhodes—
Muncie, IN—Karen Howells was responsible for starting Edible Muncie of Delaware County in 2015. Edible Muncie is a non-profit organization involved in reducing food insecurity and food deserts in Delaware County.
Karen applied for a grant from Walmart to provide carts to MITS bus riders in order to make getting groceries home via MITS easier.
The carts and the insulated bags that will sit inside the carts are now available.
Carts can be picked up at 4 sites around town for loan. The sites are: YWCA, Earthstone Terrace, Southern Pines, and Gillespie Towers.
4 carts are available at each location for MITS riders to use. Carts must be returned to the same location.
Walmart, MITS, and the Muncie Sanitary District have all supported the project. Ron Groves designed the signs on the carts with important information about their use and how to return them.
The video below illustrates how to use the carts on the bus and keep them safely stored while riding.