Muncie, IN—On September 22nd, Muncie & Delaware County received recognition as a community committed to life enhancing change through employer-sponsored wellbeing initiatives – a Indiana Healthy Community – at the annual Wellness Council of Indiana awards luncheon. To achieve the Indiana Healthy Community status, 15 local companies (making up at least 25% of our workforce) needed to be recognized for their employee wellness efforts. Approximately 40 individuals representing local government offices and businesses from Muncie/Delaware County were in attendance to receive the award.
This statewide achievement, facilitated by Delaware County Wellness Professionals, is the culmination of 4 year’s effort by the 15 employers and thousands of employees who live and work in Delaware County. It included a community assessment that examined:
— Built and food environments and how they impact active living and healthy eating
— Local policies and consider their impact on decision making, and
Gallup defines Wellbeing as a leadership strategy for a great job and a great life. Muncie and Delaware County have amazing people working toward these goals of great jobs and great lives, and this designation would not have been possible without the entire community’s commitment. This particular award recognizes the networking and technical assistance provided through the Delaware County Wellness Professionals which is facilitated by Nathan Taylor (Youth Opportunity Center), Jane Ellery (Ball State University) and Nancy Norris (Muncie/Delaware County Chamber of Commerce). Additionally, the support and dedication of our local leaders (The City of Muncie mayor’s office and the County Commissioners) has made this recognition possible.
Also during the awards luncheon on September 22nd, the Wellness Council of Indiana/Indiana Chamber of Commerce recognized 7 local businesses as new 3-Star AchieveWell well workplaces. These include:
Delaware County Employees
Lifestream Services, Inc.
Muncie Community Schools
Muncie Power Products
Mursix Corporation
YMCA of Muncie
USI Insurance Service, LLC
Local businesses that have continued to expand their wellness offerings and were recognized for achieving the next AchieveWell well workplace level:
MITS (Muncie Indiana Transit System) – advancing to 4-Star
IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital – advancing to 5-Star
Additionally, the following businesses have received recognition previously and continue to hold a steadfast commitment to employee wellbeing and are certified through the AchieveWell process:
Youth Opportunity Center – 5-Star
Ball State University – 5-Star
Ontario Systems – 5-Star
Ardagh Group – 4-Star
Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce – 3-Star
MutuaBank – 3-Star
Open Door Health Services – 3-Star
The Delaware County Wellness professionals group, which facilitated the application for this community recognition, is planning a local event for January to celebrate our community’s success to date, to start the next wave of workplaces through the Achieve Well process, and to plan for our next milestone. Please watch for more information about this in early December!
Delaware County Wellness Professionals is led and facilitated by Nathan Taylor, Jane Ellery and Nancy Norris. Anyone interested in community and workplace wellness efforts is welcome to attend our monthly meetings. For more information Nathan Taylor can be reached at or (217) 751-2959.