Editor’s Note: We are no longer adding updated items to THIS particular page, as it is getting very lengthy. We are adding updates to the following page now: http://www.munciejournal.com/2020/03/muncie-community-organization-statements-on-coronavirus-page-2/
Soup Kitchen of Muncie
March 22, 2020, 9:01 am—The Soup Kitchen of Muncie is closing. We will not be open until the crisis with the coronavirus is over. Please stay safe.
Loretta Parsons
Second Case of COVID-19 Identified in Delaware County and First Death
March 21, 2020, 3:34 pm—In an effort to coordinate a message to the community The Delaware County Health Department, Emergency Management, Coroner’s Office along with IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital can now report the following information.
The Delaware County Health Department (DCHD) reported late Friday that an individual within Delaware County has tested positive through lab testing for SAR-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 infection. A second test was confirmed on Saturday March 21st, and that individual has passed away while being treated at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital.
The patient was identified as an elderly female, admitted to the hospital from home and was being treated at IU Ball Memorial Hospital. Delaware County Coroner, Richard Howell, is withholding further information pending family notifications.
Jeff Bird, MD, president, IU Health East Central Region and Pete Voss, MD, chief medical officer, expresses great pride in the response by all teams involved. “Although this is not the outcome we hoped for, I am grateful for the compassion and excellence our providers, nurses and team members showed in providing a safe and high-quality en.vironment for this patient and their family. As we move forward in this time of uncertainty together, it is more important than ever that we continue our commitments to each other and to those we serve.,” said Bird. “We acknowledge the concerns which now exist in our community and are committed to respond to the challenges of this unprecedented time.”
The DCHD is working closely with the local and state officials to ensure that contacts of the patient are identified and that all infection control protocols are being followed.
Human coronaviruses most commonly spread from an infected person to others through:
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) provides statewide updates as new information becomes available. Visit the ISDH website at in.gov/coronavirus for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Indiana.
For updated local information: The Delaware County Emergency Management Agency, in collaboration with the Delaware County GIS Department, have created and are maintaining a central location for local updates. Please visit the Delaware County, Indiana Coronavirus Hub at www.dcema.com or the IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital site https://iuhealth.org/
Muncie City Hall to Close
March 21, 2020, 1:09 pm—
The City of Muncie will close except for essential services beginning Sunday, March 22 through Saturday, March 28th except for essential services.
Late Friday evening, March 20th the residents of Muncie received notice of a Disaster Emergency Declaration from Delaware County. (See that declaration lower on this Muncie Journal page.) This notice put restraints on businesses and mandated the closure of many companies in the City of Muncie in order to help slow the COVID-19 virus. Effective Sunday, March 22rd, until Saturday, March 28th. Muncie City Hall and other City Government buildings will be closed except for Essential Services.
The following essential departments/employees will be at work as scheduled for the week:
Police Department
Fire Department & EMS
Controller’s Department
Personnel Director
Animal Control (animal caretaking only)
Mayor’s Office
IT & Communications
Building Commissioner (and limited crew)
City Engineer (and limited crew, to monitor street emergencies)
City Clerk (and limited crew)
Excellent Video Celebrating Our Heroes
I can’t get out to make of one these myself, so I hope you will watch this one.
Updated Delaware County Disaster Declaration
March 20, 2020, 8:52 pm—Note: Local orders under the Disaster Emergency Declaration will trump orders by the state.
WHEREAS, the President of the United States, on March 13, 2020, has declared a nationwide emergency concerning the spread of COVID-19 viral infections, and
WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Indiana, on March 16, 2020, has made an emergency declaration in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease epidemic; and
WHEREAS, the County Health Officer has determined that certain measures should be put into place to lessen the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus including the closing of some local businesses; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to I. C. 10-14-3-29(a) the Board of Commissioners of Delaware County, IN hereby makes a local disaster emergency declaration; and
WHEREAS, Delaware County has enacted Ordinance 1998-009 with regard to the powers, duties and responsibilities during the course of a declared emergency as well as the responsibilities of the members of the general public during an emergency; and
WHEREAS, Delaware County, Indiana has been impacted by and will be immediately be threatened by a natural disaster with regard to the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 virus.
1. A local disaster emergency exists in the County and that we hereby invoke and declare those portions of the Indiana Code which are applicable to the conditions and have caused the issuance of this proclamation, to be in full force and effect in the entire County, including incorporated areas for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority for protection of the lives and property of the people of this County and the restoration of local government with a minimum of interruption. This Emergency Order is effective at the end of business March 20, 2020.
2. In conjunction with the Delaware County Health Officer and the Delaware County Emergency Management Authority Executive Director all businesses, gatherings, services, memorials or functions of any kind except those specifically permitted under this Emergency Declaration shall immediately close and cease activities.
3. Only those services and business which are included in the following list shall be permitted to be open and operate in the County:
A. Local government operations deemed necessary by their respective branch of government and minimal court services as determined by the Judges of the Delaware County Circuit courts;
Z. Other specific businesses as requested by DCHD, DCEMA, Delaware County Commissioners, and/or the Mayor of Muncie as being necessary to support critical operations as addressed in a letter of authorization by one of the authorities.4. All county offices and buildings or facilities shall be closed except those related to emergency matters and to assist the Commissioners, Health Department, Delaware County Emergency Management Authority in their functions to maintain the continuity of government.
5. This emergency declaration shall be enacted and made effective as to all appropriate laws, statutes, ordinances, and resolutions and particularly to Indiana Code 10-14-3-29 until further order of the Executive of the City and/or the County.
6. All public offices and employees of Delaware County, Indiana and the City of Muncie, IN are hereby directed to exercise the utmost diligence in the discharge of duties required of them for the duration of the emergency and in execution of emergency laws, regulations, and directives-state and local.
7. All citizens are called upon and directed to comply with necessary emergency measures, to cooperate with public officials and disaster services forces in executing emergency operations plans, and to obey and comply with the lawful directions of properly identified officers.
8. All operating forces will direct their communications and requests for assistance and operations directly to the Delaware County Emergency Operations Center.
9. Any person, firm or entity found to be operating in violation of this order may be fined up to the sum of $2,500 for each violation. Each and every day constitutes a separate violation.
10. The Board of Commissioners of Delaware County may implement stricter requirements in the future such as reducing work schedules, work at home rules, closing county facilities and non-emergency operations and other actions necessary to protect the employees and the general public from the spread of COVID-19.
* By State statute, the Commissioners will reconvene on 3/27/2020, at 6 p.m., and decide to extend, adjust, or remove this order.

Delaware County Health Department Identifies 1st Case of COVID-19
March 20, 2020 3:30pm—The Delaware County Health Department (DCHD) reported late Friday that an individual within Delaware County has tested positive through lab testing for SAR-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 infection.
This comes after the Indiana State Department of Health reported earlier today on a rise of total cases statewide from 56 cases to 79 total cases. The Delaware County case is believed to be in addition to the previously reported statewide total.
The DCHD is working closely with the local and state officials to ensure that contacts of the patient are identified and that all infection control protocols are being followed.
The patient is self-isolating at home, and will be monitored as necessary by the DCHD. No additional information about the patient will be released due to privacy laws.
Human coronaviruses most commonly spread from an infected person to others through:
—Respiratory droplets released into the air by coughing and sneezing;
—Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands;
—Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands; and
—Rarely, fecal contamination.
The best way to protect yourself from any respiratory illness, including the flu, is to:
—Wash your hands often w/ soap & water for at least 20 seconds. If soap & water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
—Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
—Avoid close contact (within 6 feet) with people who are sick.
—Stay home when you are sick.
—Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
—Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) provides statewide updates as new information becomes available. Visit the ISDH website at in.gov/coronavirus for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Indiana.
For updated local information: The Delaware County Emergency Management Agency, in collaboration with the Delaware County GIS Department, have created and are maintaining a central location for local updates. Please visit the Delaware County, Indiana Coronavirus Hub at www.dcema.com.
Ivy Tech Community College
Ivy Tech Community College announced that effective 5:00 pm (local time) on Friday, March 20 all of its buildings will be closed until further notice. The College will continue to operate and deliver instruction wherever possible virtually as previously announced. With the closure of its buildings, additional services to students will now also be provided virtually including advising, testing, financial aid and business office operations.
“As we continued to follow and learn more about the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic we made the decision to take further steps to lessen the risk for our faculty, staff, students and the communities we serve,” Ivy Tech President Sue Ellspermann said. “This was a difficult decision to make, but one that will continue to help keep our communities safe. We are committed to continuing to serve our students as the state’s Community College during these difficult times.
The College will be providing various ways for students to stay connected to the College while it operates virtually and has shared the following list of ways in a message to all of its students.
Muncie Rotary Club
The Muncie Rotary Club & Muncie Sunrise Rotary announce that annual V!VA Awards, (Very Important Volunteers), has been POSTPONED for a later date this coming fall.
The nominations that have been received will be saved for the Awards in the Fall. We will be working with our partners to reschedule this important event. Stay safe Muncie.
Ana M. Pichardo, Co-Chair, VIVA Committee
Given the uncertainty of the present time, we are committed to communicating to keep you as well-informed and confident as possible. In our continued efforts to protect the health and safety of our employees, their families, and customers, while also meeting banking needs, we will be limiting access to our bank lobbies as of Friday, March 20, 2020, at 8:00 am for a minimum of two weeks.
Muncie Sanitary District
Muncie Sanitary District announced today that, for the next 30 days, it will be suspending any water disconnections due to unpaid bills.
“We understand that the incomes of many people are being affected by recent events surrounding the Coronavirus,” the MSD Board of Commissioners said. The Board said the suspension in water disconnections is meant “to ease the burden on our customers.”
Customers can call the sewer utility billing office at 765-747-4894 to arrange for a late payment and to eliminate any late charges.
MSD announced earlier this week that all of the District’s offices will remain closed to the public, including the Sewage Utility Billing Department. Residents can still make payments via one of the following methods:
- Pay online at munciesanitary.org.
- Pay via telephone by calling 855-984-1201 (this is a toll-free number that is open 24/7).
- Mail payments to Muncie Sanitary District, P.O. Box 2605, Fort Wayne, IN 46801.
- Place payments in the drop-box in front of City Hall.
MSD noted that operations will continue to function as usual. Sewer Maintenance will continue to work as usual, providing 24/7 services. Trash and recycling pick-up services will also continue to run as regularly scheduled. The Billing Department will still be responding to calls.
YMCA of Muncie
As a trusted community partner, the health department has asked that Mitchell Early Childhood and Family Center transition to providing care for vital community workers in the hopes that hospitals, emergency workers and grocery stores can remain functional and support a critical need in our community.
We will be offering emergency child care to those in our community who are serving as first-responders, medical personnel and other necessary workforce. This childcare will be offered at Mitchell Early Childhood and Family Center and the Northwest Y.
The cost for quality emergency child care is as follows:
—School Aged Child Care: $50/Day
—Infant Toddler Care: $287/Week $57.40/Day
—Pre School Rate: $40/Day or $197/Week
Contact Kelsey Buck at kbuck@muncieymca.org. or 765.285.1987 to apply for emergency child care. Financial assistance is available.
Kristen McConnell, Vice President of Mission Advancement, YMCA
City of Muncie and Delaware County Joint Disaster Emergency Declaration
After several meetings, briefings, and conversations regarding COVID-19, the County and City have enacted a “Joint Disaster Emergency Declaration.”
Delaware County and the City of Muncie have been discussing the impact of COVID-19, and the best methods to protect citizens. After declarations of a nationwide emergency, and the State of Indiana making an emergency declaration regarding COVID-19, the County Health Officer has determined that various measures need enacted to lessen the spread of COVID-19. This declaration invokes Indiana Codes which enable the exercise of all necessary emergency authority.
Based on recommendation of the County Health Official, the declaration states all local barbershops, hair salons, nail salons, tattoo parlors, gyms, recreational sports facilities or indoor play areas, private clubs, and fraternal organizations, be closed to the public. Additionally, all County and City offices will be closed to the public, and may be accessed by appointment only, with special rules for courts, as explained in the signed document located at this link. The declaration also enacts certain measures for employees and citizens to use caution, and to stay home if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
This declaration was made in unison between the City of Muncie and Delaware County, at the recommendation of the Delaware County Health Department. While these decisions were not easy to make by either party, the goal of this declaration is to protect the health and lives of the citizens in Delaware County and Muncie. Additionally, it is respectfully asked that all CDC guidelines are adhered to, and that neighbors provide assistance to those in need. Now is the time to act, not out of fear, but out of compassion, to prevent the spread of this terrible illness. Each of these governing bodies listed greatly appreciate the understanding and patience of all citizens.
Jase Crehan, Communications Director, City of Muncie
The Innovation Connector
Dear Business Owners,
As one of the Muncie area’s premier business resource centers, the Innovation Connector is prepared to assist you with your business questions and how to deal with this unique business environment, due to COVID-19. If your organization or business needs or wants assistance dealing with this new “normal” such as reviewing your business situation, or ideas for marketing, or how to deal with employees, etc. please feel free to contact my office (765-285-4900) to arrange a 30-minute coaching session. All coaching sessions will be by phone or ZOOM. If I cannot directly help you, I will find a connection that might be able to assist you. Coaching appointments will take place from 10 am – 2 pm starting Friday, March 20. There will be no charge for these sessions.
My email is tbaker@innovationconnector.com.
Please note, too, that the Small Business Administration (SBA) is providing low-interest loans to both for-profit and non-profit businesses and organizations. Here is the link to the article.
Thank you and stay safe.
Ted Baker, Executive Director, Innovation Connector
Internists Associated
We are making changes effective immediately in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Starting Thursday, March 19, 2020, we will be changing all of our scheduled and acute appointments to virtual visits via video or phone. We will explain this process when we call to confirm your appointment. After your virtual visit, our staff will contact you via phone for check-out. Select patients may still need to come to the office for appointments, labs, or injections.
We will be screening patients via history and temperature as soon as they enter to minimize exposure and continue with stringent cleaning protocols. We do not currently have swabs available to test patients. If you have questions regarding respiratory symptoms or possible exposure, please call our office. We will continue to provide updates when they are available (check our Facebook page) and we appreciate your trust in Internists Associated to guide and care for you during the pandemic.
YWCA of Central Indiana
I write to inform you of additional steps YWCA Central Indiana is taking in response to COVID-19. We are not currently aware of any reported cases of COVID-19 in Delaware County, but it is likely the virus will spread to our community. As we continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation, we have taken the following steps to help protect all members of our YWCA community.
We are closed to the general public and are unable to accept material donations. If you have questions, YWCA staff will be able to assist you via telephone at 765-284-3345.
As part of YWCA’s ongoing advocacy work, we are working diligently to ensure that our reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic are both responsive and inclusive. Nonprofits, like YWCA Central Indiana, are the backbone of essential community services, and our priority is to ensure that vulnerable populations continue to receive the services they need.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however, the overall health of our community is vitally important to YWCA Central Indiana board and staff. Our desire is to continue providing services, and to protect vulnerable populations.
We will continue to communicate program and event changes as they arise. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact YWCA Central Indiana CEO, WaTasha Barnes Griffin.
Best Regards,
WaTasha Barnes Griffin
United Way of United Way of Delaware, Henry and Randolph Counties—Emergency Grants
Working with a broad array of nonprofits, donors and volunteers across its three-county footprint, United Way of Delaware, Henry and Randolph Counties is launching its emergency grant-making effort in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
“For many years, United Way has provided emergency grants to nonprofits facing unbudgeted crises. When the boiler goes out at a homeless shelter, United Way has been there to help make the repairs and keep those critical services running,” Director of Impact Jim Flatford said.
Now, United Way is offering help to nonprofits who are working with unbudgeted expenses related to COVID-19 and the individuals and families they serve. As the pandemic unfolds, United Way is partnering with nonprofits to make sure income supports and childcare assistance is fully in place, and increased if possible, for struggling working families who are being hit the hardest right now.
“Across the three counties we serve, nearly half of all households struggle to make ends meet during normal conditions,” explained Flatford.
Nearly one-fourth of the households are ALICE, Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, and Employed—a term United Way uses to describe the demographic they serve. These households make just a little too much to qualify for public assistance, but not enough to fully meet their basic budget—let alone set aside any savings for a safety net when crises hit.
“We want to do everything we can to make sure these families have the support of the community to not only survive, but to thrive. Many of these people are working in the service industry. For example, having restaurants close for dine-in service means a loss of income for those families,” Flatford added.
Other ways families may suffer a loss of income due to COVID-19 include: unpaid absence due to illness or caring for a sick loved one, job loss related directly or indirectly to the virus, increased child care needs due to school and child care closures, and the potential risk of not being able to pay housing, utility and food bills because of these financial strains.
“Even though these challenges feel overwhelming, we are so fortunate to be a part of a community where people come together to make a positive difference in people’s lives by giving to United Way,” Director of Resource Development Denise King said.
United Way recently announced surpassing its fundraising goals in all three counties. These dollars are earmarked to support ongoing grantmaking commitments to programs which address community-identified priorities in the areas of education, financial stability and health. This leads the organization to launch a special fundraising effort to raise funds to supplement this emergency grant-making endeavor.
“Past donations created this emergency grantmaking fund which has limited capacity to grant. Given the uncertainty of where the coronavirus situation will take our community, and the very significant impact this has had already on our most vulnerable citizens, we are counting on the communities’ support of United Way’s emergency grantmaking endeavor to expand what are able to do,” King said.
Jenni Marsh, President & CEO United Way of United Way of Delaware, Henry and Randolph Counties
Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana
Second Harvest Food Bank, the region’s largest hunger-relief organization with a network of 96 agency partners and 35 schools in Blackford, Delaware, Grant, Henry, Jay, Madison, Randolph and Wabash counties, is carefully monitoring developments regarding the COVID-19 (coronavirus).
“Our first concern is your health and wellbeing. We stand with community leaders in our shared responsibility to protect lives,” said Tim Kean, CEO/President of Second Harvest. “As a food bank, we are skilled at disaster and emergency response. We are coordinating with local agencies and disaster response teams to activate the strategies that will help us mitigate hunger in the weeks to come.”
Processes that are Changing
Increased tailgate food distributions—Second Harvest is ramping up the number of times we purchase and secure semi-truck loads of food from several times per month to several times per week.
SHFB will get food out quickly through our Agency Partners. Agency Partners provide hunger-relief services to schools, food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters. We are encouraging our network of 96 Agency Partners in our service area to not close, but add more frequent food distributions held outside their facility with pre-bagged food in a drive-thru fashion, for example.
It is important to note that all 35 schools in the Second Harvest eight county region that participate in our Big Idea initiative are receiving food distributions at their regular time and date.
“If your school or school system is not listed on the Second Harvest website, www.CureHunger.org, and you need food or other assistance, please contact your school directly, “ shared Sunni Matters, Director of Long-Term Initiatives, Second Harvest Food Bank of ECI. “In keeping in touch with all school systems in our service area, school staff is still reporting to the school and can answer questions.”
Neighborhood Distributions—“Second Harvest is reaching out to neighborhood association leaders to offer our assistance,” shared Mr. Kean, CEO/President of Second Harvest. “We don’t want people to feel like they need to organize a location, purchase food, and distribute on their own. Second Harvest can significantly leverage every dollar.”
More distribution locations and partnerships are being discussed. Please watch our website at www.CureHunger.org for updated information.
Our goal for Second Harvest Food Bank, at this time, is to increase food availability to our communities in phases. As quickly as we coordinate new efforts, we will implement new procedures to get the food out.
How you can help: Time, Talent, Treasure
Time—Second Harvest depends significantly on volunteers to help sort food in our warehouse, assist with tailgate food distributions, and a variety of other tasks.
“Much of our generous volunteer network is made up of older adults who are more vulnerable to serious illness due to COVID-19 infection. We ask them to stay home and stay safe if they need to in order to protect themselves,” said Kellie Arrowood, Volunteer Coordinator for Second Harvest.
Talent—“We are calling those who are healthy and able to step up in this time of need so that we can continue to do the critical work of feeding vulnerable community members,” continued Arrowood. You can contact Kellie by calling the office at 765-287-8698, email to karrowood@curehunger.org, or visit www.CureHunger.org to offer your help.
Second Harvest is a safe place to be. New procedures are in place for COVID-19 when you enter the facility. Hand washing and sanitizing are required, as well as, wearing gloves at all times in the warehouse. There is plenty of room to practice “social distancing” when working in the warehouse or at a tailgate food distribution.
Treasure—Though canned food drives loom large in the charitable imagination, the most effective way to give to food banks is actually financially. No gift is too small – everyone grows when everyone gives.
Food banks can access food from wholesalers that allow them to purchase goods at a discount. Second Harvest Food Bank can provide enough food for four meals with a $1 donation, for example. Please visit www.CureHunger.org and click on the Donate button.
A new initiative will be announced soon to address community support during this critical time. “As we step out in faith and incur extra expenses, we are hoping the community will respond,” said Kean, CEO/President.
Watch our website, www.CureHunger.org, for regular and added tailgate distributions, volunteer opportunities and other resource information.
Update on City Of Muncie Response to COVID-19, Mayor Ridenour
I am remaining vigilant as to the safety and health of our City’s citizens and employees as we work to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation. The City of Muncie is relying on public health officials,’ guidance and requirements, both from the County and the State, to make decisions and protocol adjustments as the COVID-19 epidemic has evolved.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued guidance in a document entitled Implementation of Mitigation Strategies for Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission in order to help assess the risk of illness and implement measures to protect citizens.
The City is keeping close supervision on the COVID-19 epidemic, and is relying on the procedures set forth by the Delaware County Health Department. As such, we are asking all citizens to implement social distancing, and to call ahead before visiting City Hall.
Much of our employees’ work is unable to be performed remotely, and the City’s end goal is to continue providing services to the citizens. Department heads have been asked to implement the following strategies
– Increasing physical space between workers at the worksite
– Decreasing social contacts in the workplace (for example, limit in-person meetings, meeting for lunch in a break room, plan work functions electronically as much as possible, etc.)
– Limit large work-related gatherings (such as staff meetings, after-work functions).
– Limit non-essential work travel
– Use electronic, phone, and video-conference communication platforms for internal meetings and discussions to the extent possible
City Hall remains open, and meetings such as City Council, Board of Works, etc, will continue as scheduled. The City is striving to balance generally applicable open-door laws with public health guidelines for large gatherings. Public health officials have recommended keeping meetings within a 50-person limit, implement social distancing, and other measures. Therefore, we ask for the general public to please limit their attendance in City Hall. As always, the City will strive to use technology to allow for offsite participation in public meetings.
As this situation is being closely monitored by the City and Public Health Officials, we are asking all constituents to please try to conduct business over the phone, through email, or online. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as the City strives to monitor an ever changing situation.
Thank you,
Dan Ridenour, Mayor, Muncie IN
Due to the growing concerns of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, LifeStream Services is taking the necessary precautions to avoid the spreading of the virus and working to put the health and safety of their partners, employees, clients, and community at the highest priority.
LifeStream Offices
Beginning Wednesday, March 18, the LifeStream office in Yorktown will be open by appointment only. Essential staff will remain on-site while all other staff will work from home. The LifeStream offices in Anderson and Richmond will be closed to the public. Information and Assistance will still be answering calls from the community, and transportation will still be in operation. Those who need assistance or have questions, please call 800-589-1121.
In-Home Clients
With the Division of Aging approval, all in-home client visits are now being done via the phone. Care Managers and Options Counselors will be doing visits and check-ins with their clients on the phone.
Café Sites and Home-Delivered Meals
All LifeStream Senior Cafés will be closed until further notice beginning Wednesday, March 18. Café site attendees may request a box of 5 meals by contacting LifeStream. Pickup or delivery options will vary by café site. At this time, home-delivered meals are still being delivered. Older adults who are concerned about meals in the next few weeks are encouraged to call 800-589-1121 for help in making food arrangements.
Community Events
All planned LifeStream events are canceled for the next 30 days. These events include, but are not limited to, Trio Food Demonstrations, Purdue Extension Nutrition Presentations, Eat Smart, Move More, and WISE class.
LifeStream Services will release updates as received. Those with questions or concerns may call 800-589-1121 or visit www.lifestreaminc.org
IU Health
Indiana University Health continues to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak in partnership with the Indiana State Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
To ensure the safety of team members and conserve resources necessary to meet emerging health needs, the following guidance was given to all IU Health providers and team members:
- Effective immediately, IU Health is rescheduling elective, non-urgent surgeries and procedures at all hospitals and facilities.
- Primary care and specialty follow-up visits will be conducted virtually or rescheduled.
- Well-child visits for children 2-years and older will be conducted virtually or rescheduled.
- Physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy visits will be conducted virtually or rescheduled.
- Health screenings and elective imaging will be rescheduled.
At this time, newborn and well-child visits for children younger than 2-years old will continue in order to complete the primary immunization series.
IU Health began informing team members and patients this morning. Work is also underway to train additional providers to use virtual visit technology. For more information on the virtual visits, view the video below. Download the app from your phone’s app store.
IU Health Virtual Clinic offers free Coronavirus screenings
More than 1,000 Hoosiers have used the free IU Health Virtual Clinic to screen for Coronavirus, including the second patient in Indiana to test positive for COVID-19. Learn more about this resource here: http://bit.ly/2VOFQh4 #COVID19
Posted by IU Health on Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Town of Yorktown
The Town of Yorktown, in an effort to slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has announced the following efforts.
6. As mandates from Delaware County, State of Indiana and the United States of America Federal Government occur, the Town of Yorktown may have to change existing practices and methods to meet these mandates. The Town of Yorktown will fully cooperate with these other government agencies during this time.
Town Manager 765-759-4003
Clerk Treasurer 765-759-4010
Utility Billing 765-759-8521
Zoning/Permits 765-759-0142
Police Non-Emergency 765-759-7760
We appreciate the public understanding the current situation and working with the Town to help slow the coronavirus spread.
Pete Olson, Yorktown Town Manager
At MutualBank, the health and safety of our customers, employees and the communities we serve is our top priority. We are monitoring the latest news about Coronavirus and are committed to ensuring our branches are safe, our employees are prepared and our call centers are staffed.
By now, you’ve likely heard how many companies are preparing and managing for the coronavirus pandemic. We’d like to share with you some ways we’ve already taken action to help contain and mitigate the spreading of this virus. We also want to reassure how you can continue banking, as you need, during this time.
Changes Already in Place
—All financial centers and departments are undergoing increased cleaning and sanitizing efforts.
— We are following the recommendations set forth by the Centers for Disease Control, and are actively monitoring news coming from the CDC to ensure we have the latest information.
— We have been and continue to actively encourage our employees to stay home should they be suffering from any symptoms related to COVID-19, or if they believe they may have been exposed to someone else with the coronavirus.
Changes Which May Occur
—We are evaluating extending the drive-thru hours for conducting in person transactions in the event we alter lobby hours.
—The CDC releases new information daily, even hourly. We may limit lobby hours at certain financial centers in the future. To ensure the financial center you typically frequent has not altered hours, please visit our website.
East Central Indiana Small Business Development Center
We know that these are uncertain times. Please know that the Indiana SBDC is here to support small business in any way you need.
President Trump has allocated $50 billion to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for Economic Injury Disaster Loans. For Hoosiers to gain access to this funding, we need to collect small business economic impact data from every county in Indiana so that Governor Holcomb can declare an economic injury disaster.
We are working diligently to gain access to this funding and would greatly appreciate your help.
If your business has, or you anticipate will, be impacted by COVID-19, please complete this form http://bit.ly/2WjJWOy at your earliest convenience.
Information obtained from this form will only be used to assist in requesting an economic injury disaster declaration from SBA and identifying greatest areas of need.
Please feel reach out to me with any questions or concerns and thank you for your participation.
Peggy Cenova
Regional Director, East Central Indiana SBDC
Ball State University
From President Geoffrey S. Mearns—
I write to provide you with information about additional steps that our University is taking to mitigate the spread and the threat of COVID-19. I have decided to implement these measures to align our response with a directive issued by Governor Holcomb today, as well as the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”).
Residence Halls
I have decided that, effective Sunday, March 29, 2020, at 5:00 p.m., our residence halls will be closed. Students who presently reside in our residence halls are encouraged to begin making preparations now to meet this deadline, and they are free to leave as soon as practicable.
I have authorized our staff to make very limited exceptions to this directive in extraordinary cases, including where students may not have safe and suitable alternative living arrangements, or where they have prohibitive travel restrictions or exceptional ongoing academic commitments.
In light of this public health crisis, our University will not enforce the standard provisions in our housing contract. Students will receive a credit to their bursar accounts in the appropriate pro-rata amount, subject to applicable federal financial aid regulations, to be applied to future expenses. I have authorized our staff, in exceptional circumstances, to consider whether providing a pro-rata refund to a student, instead of a credit, is necessary to relieve unusual financial hardship.
Based on updated interim guidelines from the CDC, all university-sponsored or university-hosted events of 50 or more people are postponed or canceled.
I will make a decision regarding our May commencement exercises within the next week. If we are compelled to cancel this special event, I will ask our graduates to share their suggestions about when and how we should celebrate their achievements.
University Operations
Campus services, including dining, the library, and recreational facilities remain open for the time being. As a reminder, all campus dining facilities are able to provide a “to go” container for any food option.
Faculty and Staff
Consistent with Governor Holcomb’s directive regarding state employees, I am encouraging administrators and supervisors to authorize their faculty and staff to work remotely, while fulfilling our current commitment to maintain operations. Within 48 hours, we will provide more specific guidance to all faculty and staff.
In the meantime, non-essential in-person meetings should be limited to 10 persons or less, and individuals who are at greater risk should not attend in-person meetings. Whenever possible, meetings should be conducted virtually.
As we continue to respond to this unprecedented challenge, we are regularly updating our website: bsu.edu/coronavirus. Please stay informed.
And please bear with us. We will likely have to take additional aggressive steps, because the decisions that we make today may very well be modified as additional information and guidance is provided to us.
Thank you for your patience. And thank you for your exceptional service in these extraordinary times.
Geoffrey S. Mearns
Ball State University
Dear Friends,
At Minnetrista we strive to reflect the values of our Ball family founders of sticking together and helping each other. This applies to our larger community as well as to our employees and their families. Accordingly, in response to the COVID-19 emergency, Minnetrista is closing our buildings to the public effective 5:30 p.m., Monday, March 16. At this time we expect to remain closed through April 30. We will, of course, continue to monitor the developments around this disease and will remain in contact with health officials to determine a prudent date to reopen. In the meantime, we are following the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, the Indiana Department of Health, and government directives.
We recognize that Minnetrista is a valuable resource to our regional communities and families. We will continue to support our staff through regular payroll. And our staff will continue to do all they can to sustain our investment in our guests and our community. Our greenspaces will continue to be available to the public, with gated areas-Oakhurst Gardens and the Nature Area-unlocked for public access Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. If you choose to use these areas during our closure, we encourage you to observe appropriate social distancing. We know many young families like to schedule play dates in our gardens in warmer weather, but we are encouraging caution for the health and safety of you and your families.
We are creating additional online resources to continue to pique the curiosity of our guests and provide home-based family activities that are fun and foster learning. Please visit our website and our social media platforms for continued updates.
Thank you for your continuous support of Minnetrista, for your sense of curiosity and your desire to always be learning. These are the things that are vital to the betterment of our society and that will see us all through such unprecedented times. Remember to stick together and take care of each other.
Betty Brewer, President and CEO
Delaware County Courts and Muncie City Court
The Judges of Delaware Circuit Courts and Muncie City Court (collectively “Courts”) are acutely aware of the challenges presented by the outbreak of COVID-19 (the Corona Virus). The outbreak requires that the Courts take extraordinary measures in order to continue to provide access to justice in Delaware County/City of Muncie consistent with the health and wellness needs of our community.
The Courts expect the outbreak of the Corona Virus will require such extraordinary measures for at least several weeks. The duration of such measures is referred to herein as the “Response Period.” During the Response Period, the Delaware County Courts/Muncie City Court will take the following actions:
- The judicial officers of the Courts will work with the Delaware County Sheriff in addressing the wellness needs of the Delaware County jail population. If it becomes necessary to do so, the judicial officers will assess sentences being served at the Jail, as well as pre-trial release decisions, in order to try to strike a proper balance between community safety and community wellness. Similarly, the judicial officers of the Juvenile Court will assess the population of the Detention Center to make sure that safety and wellness needs of the community are properly met.
- Court proceedings will continue to be conducted to the extent doing so is prudent. Every effort will be made to ensure that access to justice will remain available in Delaware County/City of Muncie. The Courts may continue many civil and criminal hearings on the Court’s own motion. Requests for continuances of trials and hearings will be considered in light of the outbreak, and personal and community wellness needs will be carefully considered. Attendance at hearings by telephone and video conferencing, including but not limited to all hearings involving defendants in criminal cases will be strongly encouraged whenever possible and when consistent with the rights of the parties and the interests of justice. Attorneys will be allowed to participate in pre-trial conferences by telephone without filing a motion. The Courts will take reasonable steps to limit the number of people attending hearings and trials to those who are essential to the proceedings being conducted, to the extent necessary to provide adequate social distancing.
If you have an upcoming hearing and have not been notified by the Court or your attorney as to whether or not the hearing is being held, please contact your attorney first, the Court office second to determine whether you are required to appear.
- All civil jury trials will be postponed during the Response Period. Criminal jury trials will be postponed during the Response Period, provided that such postponements are consistent with the rights of the parties and interests of justice. The Courts hereby declare an emergency for purposes of Criminal Rule 4 through May 4, 2020, subject to extension by the Indiana Supreme Court.
- Efforts will be made to address the wellness needs of jurors and prospective jurors, as well as other persons involved in legal proceedings in Delaware County. Special consideration will be given to excusing prospective jurors from service if the health and well-being of such jurors likely would be adversely affected by jury service.
- The Courts and their staffs will work with maintenance personnel so that all appropriate steps are taken to see that the Court facilities are in appropriately safe and sanitary conditions.
- The Courts will support and encourage compliance with mandatory preventative measures like quarantines and isolations, protect potentially vulnerable staff, and be prepared for situations such as school closings that could impact court staff.
- The Judges of the Courts will remain in regular communication throughout the outbreak with the County Clerk, Board of Commissioners, the Board of Health, the Bar Association, Prosecutor, Chief Public Defender, Sheriff and Chief of Muncie City Police. The cooperation and coordination with all such officials and agencies will remain a high priority during the Response Period.
Emily M. Anderson, Court Administrator
Hillcroft Services
Due to Governor Holcomb’s newest guidance of limiting groups to no more than 50 people, Hillcroft Services will suspend all on-site client operations at our Muncie Air Park Drive and New Castle facility as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020 through April 5, 2020.
We will continually be evaluating this and will provide updates with any changes as necessary. Our sincere hope is that these measures will help contain and minimize the spread of the coronavirus with the the much more medically susceptible and vulnerable population in which we serve. The care of our clients at their places of residence will continue to be our top priority.
Although Hillcroft Services, Inc. has temporarily suspended some in-person services to its clients, Hillcroft Industries will continue to utilize its production staff to fulfill customers’ purchase orders. At this time, Hillcroft Industries does not anticipate a cessation of production due to the coronavirus.
We will continue to closely monitor this evolving situation and respond accordingly based on the recommendations of our local and state health officials as well as the Centers for Disease Control’s guidelines and recommendations on the steps we can take to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to navigate this together and take all necessary precautions to help ensure the safety of our clients and staff.
Debbie Bennett, President & CEO
The Innovation Connector
As for now, the Innovation Connector is open for business. Clients already have 24/7 access to their offices. Most events and workshops that take place at the Innovation Connector have been canceled. We are closely following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines and recommendations on the steps we can take to help prevent the spread of the virus. We ask that everyone, including clients, guests, and team members who have any flu-like symptoms to stay home and monitor your own health. Please wash your hands often according to the guidelines provided by the CDC. We continue to closely monitor this situation and will keep you fully informed.
We have ramped up cleaning services at the Innovation Connector. We have added hand sanitizer at the front entrances and all points of people interaction. Sanitizing wipes and tissues are also near work areas and kitchen and bathroom counters, so they are accessible for continuously cleaning. All guests who come to the Innovation Connector must sign in at the front door with name and contact information.
We have a straightforward objective that guides us: keeping you and our team safe. This has been at the center of our conversations every step of the way. Please stay safe.
Ted Baker, Executive Director
Muncie Mission
The Muncie Mission is committed to providing shelter to the homeless population of Delaware County, Indiana. With the pandemic spread of the COVID-19 the Mission is following the CDC recommended prevention processes to protect the vulnerable populations in residence along with the corps of volunteer and staff members that serve at the Muncie Mission. These process will aid to prevent the spread of virus and must be followed by everyone entering the Mission facilities.
Muncie Mission Service Policies
Resident Guest
- Regularly practice proper hand washing.
- All guest seeking emergency shelter will be screened for temperature and complete a screening questionnaire.
- Screened daily for temperatures with a no-touch thermometer.
- Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 will require immediate medical attention.
- Hand sanitizer will be applied to everyone in public gathering spaces.
Community Lunch Guest
- All guests entering the facilities will be screened for temperature.
- Anyone with a fever will be provided a sack lunch but prevented from entering facility.
- All guest must use hand sanitizer, administered by a Mission staff member, prior to entry.
Family Service
- Food pantry guest will fill out a menu of desired items. Mission staff will pull and sack the items. No guest will have direct access to food supply.
- Clothing vouchers are suspended until April 6th.
- Utility assistance will be provided by appointment only.
Frank Baldwin, President/CEO
Liberty Perry
Liberty Perry will have curbside grab-and-go sack meals for students age 18 and younger beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Drive up to the office doors at Selma Elementary and someone will bring food to you. Please stay in your vehicle. Breakfast will be available 8am-9am and lunch from 11am to 12:30pm.
Bryan Rausch, Superintendent
Delaware County Health Department
DCHD was made aware this weekend of some businesses opening up for daily childcare now that schools are closed.
We recognize the value in this, in that it provides another outlet for some parents who may be required to work but feel they don’t have other options for their children.
However, the purpose of bringing the children out of the schools for the time being is to reduce person-to-person exposure, and therefore reduce the opportunities for viral transmission to occur. To take the children out of their respective schools and place them into a shared setting is counter-intuitive to the efforts currently underway.
While a parent may trust a certain business or person to maintain a clean operation, they need to consider how much they trust the families of each of those children who are sharing the daycare space. A family unit being extremely careful to not be exposed can have all of that work undone by allowing their small child to be exposed to children who’s families are not taking such precautions.
The DCHD would like to urge parents and guardians to reconsider the use of daycares or shared childcare settings if and when possible. At this time, closure orders against varying levels of such businesses have not been issued, but are being considered.
Stay home if you’re sick.
Stay home if you’re not sick.
Wash your hands.
Reduce exposure.
Soup Kitchen of Muncie
The Soup Kitchen of Muncie will serve carry out ONLY, beginning Monday, March 16th. We will serve at the bottom of the stairs from 9:30am to 11am. There will be no access to the building until 9:30am and only to obtain a carry out meal. The bathroom will be closed and there will be no coffee. Patrons must leave the grounds as soon as you receive your take out meals. Everyone stay safe.
Loretta Parsons
Christian Ministries
Due to health concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be closing our offices to the public beginning Monday, March 16 and plan to re-open on Monday, April 6.
IU Health
Due to a rise in the number of reported cases of COVID-19, influenza and other respiratory viruses, Indiana University Health is implementing updated visitor restrictions to protect patients and prevent further spreading.
Beginning Sunday, March 15, 2020, no visitors will be permitted at IU Health hospitals.
Exceptions will be considered in the following areas where a patient may receive one visitor:
- Neo-natal intensive care unit (NICU)
- OB/delivery
- Pediatrics
- Emergency Department (ED)
- Outpatient surgery
- Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health (one parent/guardian per patient)
In end of life situations, two visitors will be allowed per patient A patient being directly admitted to the hospital may also be allowed a visitor at the time of admission only.
Indiana Michigan Power
Indiana Michigan Power is temporarily suspending all disconnections for non-payment as the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread in our communities.
We know our customers are concerned about their families and ensuring they have reliable electric service allows them to focus on staying healthy and well. Indiana Michigan Power is committed to doing what we can to help our customers, our employees, and the communities we serve as we navigate this uncertain time.
If customers have any questions or concerns, please call our Customer Operations Center at:
Indiana customers: 1-800-311-4634
Michigan customers: 1-800-311-6424
Delaware County Emergency Management
Meridian Health Services—Rialzo
In order to reduce the possible spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Indiana, Meridian Health Services is rescheduling Rialzo, its charity benefit gala, on April 18, 2020 to April 10, 2021.
“While Rialzo is our signature event and fundraiser, our mission is to make our communities healthier, and we need to lead by example in actions that reflect that priority,” said Hank Milius, President/CEO of Meridian. “Every day over 1,200 Meridian employees provide a wide array of healthcare services to over 40,000 patients per year. We need to take whatever actions possible to ensure the safety of our patients and staff.”
Even though Rialzo again had a “sold out” event with nearly 1000 scheduled attendees, Meridian executives believe that rescheduling is in the best interest of the communities it serves.
Meridian recently announced at its Rialzo Preview Party located at First Merchants Bank that proceeds of the event were intended for its Maternal Treatment Program and a new Women’s Recovery Home as a part of its expanding continuum of addictions services. These programs will continue and many of the sponsors and attendees have continued to make donations to these programs.
For the last three years, Rialzo has funded the establishment and expansion of its Maternal Treatment Program serving addicted mothers and their newborns. The program has now served over 125 women and seen the birth of 26 babies, none of whom have had extended stays in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as a result of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, at a tremendous savings to families and the community.
Plans for Rialzo’s ancillary fundraising activities, such as its auction, will be announced in the coming days, as will more details for next year’s Rialzo planned for April 10, 2021.
Muncie Symphony Orchestra
Dear MSO Patrons, Musicians, and Employees,
Governor Holcomb has announced additional steps the State of Indiana will take to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease). The Muncie Symphony Orchestra (MSO) will be rescheduling upcoming concerts and modifying or canceling community outreach activities. With your health and safety our No. 1 priority, we share with you our preparedness as it relates to COVID-19.
The MSO is currently following the guidance provided by Ball State University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to safeguard your health and wellbeing.
Please note the following for upcoming events:
The Sunday, March 29 free community concert at Muncie Central H.S. is canceled and will be rescheduled. Updates will be shared as information is available.
The Saturday, April 4 concert in Sursa Hall is canceled and will be rescheduled. Updates will be shared as information is available. This includes the donor event on April 2 and the lunch at Westminster on April 3.
The Saturday, April 25 concert in the Charles W. Brown Planetarium will be rescheduled for Saturday, May 30. Tickets reflecting the new concert date will be mailed to you.
The MSO is modifying or canceling community engagement activities. If a currently scheduled visit moves forward, all parties including MSO staff, children, and teacher will wash their hands and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (MSO provided) prior to the activity. We have communicated with our community partners expectations and modifications so that an informed decision can be made prior to the visit.
Per CDC, the following preventive measures should be taken to help reduce the spread of COVID-19:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Stay home when you are sick.
Please do not attend public events if you are unwell or in a high-risk group. If you have been to CDC level III countries, and have not undergone the 14-day quarantine, please stay home until your quarantine time has passed.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
Prevent the spread of misinformation by learning more about the CDC’s updated recommendations here.
We will continue to monitor the concern internationally, nationally, and locally by following the CDC and Delaware County Public Health Department guidelines.
On behalf of the MSO Board of Directors, we wish all of you safety during this challenging time.
Local Child Care Agencies
In response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) the following child care agencies have met, and will continue to work together, to discuss the safety of our communities: Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie, By5, David George Insurance Agency, Huffer Memorial Children’s Center, Inc., Muncie Public Library, Open Door Health Services, Ross Community Center, United Day Care, and the YMCA of Muncie. As a collective, we recognize that we provide vital services and resources to children and the families that rely on us to keep children safe. We are committed to doing our part during this public health crisis to responsibly meet the needs of the community, while also working to limit the exposure to this virus.
We remain committed to working together to ensure safe environments for our families, but we need your help. Therefore, we are asking parents and guardians to help us protect children, families, and our staff by taking these important steps:
1. Adhere to the Centers for Disease Control recommended practices concerning COVID-19. These practices can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
2. In the event your child or anyone in your household is exhibiting any symptoms (fever, cough, or shortness of breath), please keep your child home.
3. Do your best to practice good hygiene (including washing hands with soap and water) during this period.
We are committed to making decisions that are responsive and consider the safety of our staff, students, and community. Please stay tuned to hear more about the steps and procedures each of our organizations are taking regarding future operations in response to this ever-changing situation. Thank you for your commitment to keeping our community safe for all during this challenging time.
Muncie Community Schools
To our MCS families,
We want to provide you an update and decisions as the situation develops with Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, Muncie Community Schools will begin utilizing eLearning days as detailed below. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SITUATION IS VERY FLUID, AND THAT MCS WILL MODIFY OUR PLANS HEREIN AS NEEDED TO PROTECT THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES.
Effective at the conclusion at the end of the day today, Friday, March 13, 2020:
All co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, events, and practices are cancelled until further notice. SAT testing will still be conducted on Saturday for the small number of students registered.
All facility rentals are suspended until further notice.
Monday, March 16 through March 20: All Muncie Community Schools will observe eLearning.
Students will access lessons via Schoology.
Students may have an option for receiving packets in the event electronic access is not available.
Teachers will engage in conversations with students through phone calls and emails to assist with lessons.
Teachers will report on assigned days to prepare packets and lessons for March 30-April 3. Principals will provide assignments to all other staff.
Chartwells will have grab and go meals. Locations will be Longfellow Elementary School, Central High School, Northside Middle School, and Southside Middle School. All MCS families may access any of these locations to pick up meals. Please take advantage of this benefit.
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
11:00-1:00 Lunch
Monday, March 23 through March 27: Spring Break
Students should not report to school, nor will they have classwork to complete.
Monday, March 30-April 3: All Muncie Community Schools will observe eLearning.
Students will access lessons via Schoology.
Students may have an option for receiving packets.
Teachers will engage in conversations with students through phone calls and emails to assist with lessons.
Monday, March 30:
Learning packets will be delivered via bus routes through Auxilio at regular stops. A time schedule will be published at a later date. Packets completed by students from March 16-March 20 will be picked up and lesson packets for March 30-April 3 will be distributed to students. Lesson packets will also be available at the front office at each school.
Following April 3: We will continue to monitor this situation over the next three weeks and will communicate decisions as they are made.
Comcast is offering Internet Essentials for free to new low-income customers for two months.
This decision is precautionary. To date, Delaware County Health Department reported the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 remains at zero. The health and safety of our students remains our top priority.
Lee Ann Kwiatkowski, Director of Public Education and CEO, Muncie Community Schools
Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce
We have been closely following the COVID-19 global activity, with a particular interest in the growing impact in Indiana and the Midwest US.
The Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce has decided to reschedule the Chamber Champions event originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th to Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at the Horizon Convention Center with a start time of 11:30 am.
For those who were registered for the event, your reservation will be carried over to the new date. We are also canceling the Legislative Wrap Up set for Friday, March 20. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; however, the overall health of our community is vitally important to the economic well-being of Muncie and Delaware County.
If you should have any questions, please reach out to Jay Julian or Brenda Brumfield, the Chamber’s Director of Community Relations. We will continue to communicate program and event changes as they occur.
Emens Auditorium
The National Tour of The Price is Right Live, originally scheduled for Saturday, March 14 at Emens Auditorium, has been postponed. More details will later be available regarding a rescheduled date, at which time ticket holders will be contacted individually. Patrons are encouraged to keep their tickets which will be honored at the rescheduled date.
Visit bsu.edu/emens for the most up-to-date scheduling information. If you have further questions, call the Emens box office at 765-285-1539 or email emens@bsu.edu.
Emens box office hours: Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Peace Conference
As a result of Ball State University restricting public events, we have decided to postpone the 2020 “Benjamin V. Cohen Peace Conference: Building a Beloved Community.” We plan to host the conference either in the Fall or Spring of the next academic year. We wish everyone the best of health and peace in this unusually challenging and uncertain time.
Muncie-Delaware County Clean & Beautiful
The 2020 Annual Meeting & Oscar Awards is postponed due to Covid-19 precautions of limiting face-to-face contact, especially in small indoor spaces. The event will be rescheduled at a later date, however nothing has been decided upon yet.
Muncie Civic Theatre
Muncie Civic Theatre is taking the threat of the coronavirus very seriously. We have stepped up our sanitizing protocols and routines and amended our attendance policies to include extreme caution. Nothing could be more important to us than the safety of our audiences and volunteers. With Gov. Holcomb’s request of no events over 250 people we will be enacting the following changes to the 2019-2020 Season.
At this time, we will be performing this weekend’s shows: SPAMALOT and I HATE HAMLET, with a cap of 200 audience members. All programing beginning Monday, March 16 will be paused while we continue to monitor the evolving situation.
As of now, we will be shifting the dates for the following upcoming shows:
MAMMA MIA will run May 1-May 17
AND THEN THEY CAME FOR ME will run May 17-19
DEAR EDWINA and STONE SOUP will perform May 22-24
THE MUSIC MAN will run June 12-27.
We will automatically be shifting audience members to the new dates. If you were scheduled to come on opening night, your tickets will remain on the new opening night. Should you need to adjust your tickets to an alternative date, please feel free to contact the Box Office at 765-288-7529 or via email tickets@munciecivic.org. We recognize some people may not want to be in large groups of people right now and are offering flex tickets to be used for future performances for anyone who has purchased tickets and cannot or wishes not to attend a show in which they have purchased tickets.
Should any of this change, we will issue future statements. Thank you for your continued support of Muncie Civic Theatre.
City of Muncie
Please see previously published article below.