By: Alex Romoser—
Muncie, IN—A draft of MAP3 will be presented to the community during the second week of June 2018 during two Open Houses on Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 from 7 pm – 9 pm at Kennedy Library and Thursday, June 14th, 2018 from 7 pm to 9 pm at Maring-Hunt Library. MAP is calling all community members to attend one of these Open Houses to prioritize results, select solutions, and give any final input before the draft of MAP3 is released in August. The MAP3 Open Houses will be the last chance to help create the updated Muncie Action Plan document.
The original Action Plan was created in 2010, the second Action Plan in 2013, and now the third Action Plan (MAP3) will be completed in 2018. This strategic Action Plan is used by countless organizations in Muncie/Delaware County to influence initiatives, community well-being, sources of funding, and economic growth. MAP wants your input to help us create a Plan that reflects the aspirations of as many citizens as possible and prioritize issues that can guide actions all over Muncie.
In February 2018, Muncie Action Plan (MAP) facilitated four community Input Sessions at various sites around Muncie. At each Input Session, community members had an open platform to discuss the community’s needs and hopes. MAP wants to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who contributed to the input process of the updated Action Plan, MAP3.
Under the expertise of Ball State’s Urban Planning Professor Lisa Dunaway, the data from the Input Sessions and surveys have been compiled. As a result of Ball State’s partnership, Dunaway has led the effort to collect and research strategies to the topics communicated during the public input sessions.
Refreshments will be provided at the MAP3 Open Houses. Children are welcome, and Spanish-English bilingual translators will be available.
For more information, visit
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